A Long Story

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    "Ok, this is somehow gross, creepy, messed up, and kinda cool all at once,"I said as I stared at the weird, bloody skeleton laying on one of the tables in the lab.

    Daisy was bent over, studying it.

  "I'm not sure I would say cool," she muttered.

  I shrugged.

      "You got to be kidding me," Mack said as he walked up behind us.  "Ward? What a pain in the butt. What? Leaving him for dead on another planet isn't enough to get rid of that guy?"

    "You're looking better," Daisy said.

   "Yeah? 'Cause you're not," he replied.

 "Hi Mack! How are you feeling?" I asked.

  "Better. You?"

  "Well, I don't have a pounding headache anymore and my leg doesn't feel like it's on fire, so except for the broken arm, I feel pretty good."

   "Well, we don't think he's a guy anymore," Daisy said, getting back to the original subject.

   "We think Ward's body was possessed, for lack of a better word, by It, the creature..." Simmons began.

   "From the other planet," Fitz finished.

  "Ok, so the world is a lot weirder than I thought," I muttered.

 "Get used to it," Daisy told me.

  "So, he burned them or something?" Mack asked.

  "Honestly, right now...." Simmons began.

    "We have no idea," Fitz finished for her again. "When I was there, It knew everything that Will did, even after he was...gone."

  Another brilliant showing of Fitzsimmons finishing each others sentences. They're perfect for each other.

   "Which means whatever this thing is has Ward's memories, so why hasn't It come after us?" Daisy said.

    "Maybe It's not interested in us," Fitz replied.

   "Can't believe I'm hearing this," Mack sighed.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  "This is the weirdest conversation I've ever had," I said.

    "Well, we know It destroyed an entire civilization over there. Who knows what It has planned here?" Simmons wondered.

   "I'm still totally lost, but I'm not even going to ask anymore," I said and sighed.

  "Tremors, you saw the future, right? You see anything else? Anything that might help us out?" Mack asked.

  She was about to answer, but suddenly an agent walked into the lab.

  "Director Coulson would like to see you in his office ... all of you," he said.


   "Malick has given new meaning to the term 'hostile takeover.' What he did at Transia Corp was brutal, even for him. They must have something he needs," Coulson said to us after we had all assembled in his office, the picture of that creepy dude whose name was apparently Ward, or whatever he was now.

    "If we can figure out what it is..."  May began.

 "It'll lead us to Ward," Mack said, completing her thought.

   "This is not Ward," Coulson said with certainty.

   "Sure is creepy like Ward," Daisy muttered.

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