Loosing Control

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I was huddled in the corner in a white room. It was SHIELD's special containment room for inhumans. 

      A little while ago, Daisy and a man named Lincoln- who was also an Inhuman-had explained the whole thing of how I changed and why, which was actually completely pointless, since I already knew a lot about this. My parents had explained it to me, and my mom was basically the "expert" on terrigenisis.

   But that didn't mean I didn't still hate what I was. It didn't mean I was ready for it. And it didn't mean I had any control.

       I had never wanted this. I didn't want to "become what I was meant to be" as my father put it. I was afraid. Afraid of hurting someone. I knew whatever my power was, it was dangerous. I was accidentally using my power more and more frequently. I couldn't keep it under control. I was surprised that I didn't use it at all when Daisy visited. I guess my sister being there gave me a good incentive not to loose control.

       But controlling it was exhausting. It felt like trying to keep a dinosaur in a cardboard box. Eventually it's going to break out. Usually it happened when I was alone- wait- did i seriously just use that analogy? A dinosaur in a card board box. Was that really the best I could come up with? I mean it's true but-

   Anyways, there came a point where I just couldn't hold it in any longer. That was starting to happen when I was in this room. I could just tell. I was too nervous.

      To distract myself, I got up and started pacing. Suddenly the lights flickered.  I tried to ignore it, but it happened again. I tried to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach. My heart started beating faster. The lights flickered again, then they went black. Like not just dark. I mean they looked like they were filled with blackness. I started freaking out even more.  Then suddenly it happened again. The strange blackness exploded out from me again, and I fell to the floor, hit my head, and fell unconscious.

My eyes flickered open. I was laying on the bed in the white room, and a young woman was standing over me, smiling.

    Her auburn hair reached a little farther than her shoulders, and her brown eyes were filled with kindness.

"Hi!" She said in a cheerful voice. "I'm Jemma Simmons."

      "Hi," I said quietly. I looked down and noticed that I had monitors strapped to my wrists.

"Oh, sorry. We decided we needed to monitor you after the, um, incident-that happened earlier."

      I nodded. I didn't like the idea of being monitored, but if it meant I would have a smaller chance of hurting someone, I would do anything.

"What happened?" I asked.

      "Well, you lost control of your power, and we believe you simply fell and hit your head."

"So that's why my head hurts." Suddenly I remembered what I had seen before I blacked out. "What happened with the light bulb?"


"The light bulb. It went dark."

     "Oh yes! We saw that with the camera. We believe that it has something to do with your power."

"Do you even know what my power is?"

      "Not yet. Do you?"

"Why do you think I'm asking?" She sighed.

    "I still need to study it more. Alright, Daisy would like to ask you a few questions. Goodbye!"

She left and I smiled. I kinda liked her.

   Daisy and Lincoln walked in again. I sat up and faced them.

"Hi Coriana. How do you feel?" Daisy said.

    "My head hurts. But other than that, I'm fine."

"Ok, well, we want to ask you a few questions. How long have you had this power?" She asked.

    I decided to answer truthfully. I didn't want to lie to her more than needed.

"A month," I responded. The two of them looked at each other in surprise.

   "Wow," Daisy said.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, it's just that we haven't heard of many able to hide their powers for that long."

    I squirmed. It was so hard not to just burst out, telling her everything. It was making me nervous and stressed, which was not a good thing. If I didn't calm myself, I could hurt Daisy.

     She continued to speak, but I didn't really hear her. I was so focused on trying to keep control.

  "Coriana? Are you ok?" I barely heard her. I could feel my control slipping. I knew I would loose it.

     I tried my hardest, but I couldn't stop. The blackness started to explode from me again.

"NOOOO!" I screamed. I

  knew I couldn't let myself hurt my own sister. But right before it hit Daisy, it came inward towards me. It seemed to go into me, than disappeared.

   I didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, because I felt lightheaded.

     The last thing I remembered before blacking out was Daisy rushing to my side.

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