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   WARNING! From now on, my book will follow the basic plot line of the rest of season 3. So, I do not recommend reading this if you have not seen all of season 3. 

Mack, Fitz, Daisy, and I were sitting around a table in the Zephyr. Daisy and Mack were arguing, while Fitz and I had been pretty much entirely quiet the whole time.

    Daisy and Lincoln had recovered entirely, and just in time for an ATCU building to be blown up (the ATCU is like this government-agency thing which was originally formed to deal with threats like Inhumans but now they work with SHIELD or something- it's all very confusing). Wait no- imploded. Imploded. By a bunch of idiot Inhuman-haters called the Watchdogs. Who came up with that stupid name, anyways?

   Well, Daisy found a way to get to a member of the Watchdogs who had been posting Inhuman-hate online, and she wanted to go interrogate him. Mack- who had to take a small break from his vacation- was against her scaring him into giving her information.

   Then they started arguing, with Fitz and I unsure what to do.

     "We're SHIELD I'm trying to save lives. I'll use whatever advantage I have to do it," Daisy said.

   "Yeah, the advantage of superpowers, which is something I don't have. But I'm not so sure you should be using yours to sidestep civil liberties," Mack replied.

    "Daisy," I interjected, "He's kinda right. You can't just go around threatening people with your superpowers. Sure, I hate these 'Watchdog' people, but it- it just doesn't seem right."

    "They gave up their right to civil liberties when they started imploding buildings," Daisy growled. "And I didn't say I was going to threaten anyone."

    "Then what were you going to do?" I asked.

Daisy didn't respond, and Fitz and I shared a glance.

   "It's not about how they act. It's about how we respond... All right, look, I'm not going along with this. Besides, I made a promise to my brother," Mack sighed and walked out of the room.

   "Mack, wait!" I called after him.

      He didn't listen.

I sighed and turned to Daisy.

   "Do you really think that this is a good idea?" I asked her.

  "I think it's the best one," she responded.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter what I think, since I wouldn't be able to go anyways. See you later Daisy. You too Fitz," I said and got up.

    "Ok, Fitz, you're with me," Daisy said as I walked out.

But as I was leaving, I could have sworn I heard Fitz say,

      "Am I?"


   So Daisy was back.

      Apparently she was able to scare some information out of someone in the Watchdogs, but she wouldn't give me the details. Something about it not being "important." (The moral of this story is, kids, don't go post mean things online, because if you do, people with superpowers will come scare information out of you. Of course. If that wasn't already obvious. And my sarcasm sucks.)

  Anyways, she called Mack to tell him what she found out.

"They're gathered at a place called 'Easterling Farms.' They're prepping for their next attack,"

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