Life Sucks

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  I awoke, aware of a throbbing pain in the back of my head.

  "Ow," I muttered as I opened my eyes, everything taking a moment to focus. I realized Daisy was standing over me, a worried expression on her face.

"You ok?" She asked. I nodded.

   "Yeah, the back of my head just really hurts." She helped me up, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Fitz helping May up, so I assumed we must have been the only ones who were knocked out. Lucky us.

  Daisy helped me into another room, and I steadied myself against a table. 

"Are you two ok?" Fitz asked.

   May and I nodded.

"We're fine," she said and turned to Daisy. "So you're with us?" 

  Daisy nodded.

   "Are you ok?" I asked Daisy. "You're shaking."

  "You both are," Fitz cut in. "You're going through withdrawals. Plus, the Zephyr can handle high altitude, but it's not designed for it. It's subfreezing outside, which also means-" 

    "The air's getting thin in here," May finished for him. 

"So we should limit out movements and try to keep warm," Fitz continued, then took off his coat, but he paused for a moment, looking from me to Daisy, then back to me. I realized that he was going to give one of us his coat, but he didn't know who to give it too. 

  "Give it to Daisy," I said.

"Cori, no it's fin-" she began but I cut her off.

   "Just take it! We don't have time to argue about things like this, so just take it!" Daisy sighed as she put on the jacket. 

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

  Fitz sighed. 

  "We don't know yet," he said. "We disabled the containment module, though, so Hive isn't going anywhere."

 I nodded, then I walked over to Daisy.

  "It's good to see you again," I said. 

She smiled slightly and nodded.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She nodded again.

   "Are you?" She asked.

"Right now I am. I'm just happy to see you. I missed you so much."

   She pulled me into a hug.

   "I missed you too." 

I closed my eyes, enjoying the comforting embrace I had missed so much. It's strange, how someone you have only known for a month can end up meaning so much to you. 

Suddenly we heard a loud noise and broke apart. 

  "What was that?" I asked.

"The Quinjet," May answered.

   "Yeah, the Quinjets fly themselves," Fitz added. "Coulson must of called one to him."

I bit my lip, glad that he came but also thinking he shouldn't have.

 "They're ducks in a barrel until they deplane, though," May said, and my brow furrowed.

    "Wait- I thought it was fish-" I began.

"Come on, we need to get to them," May said, cutting me off, and I gave her an annoyed look.

  "Let's just hope whoever's on the Quinjet has an idea about what happens next," Fitz said and I nodded, only half listening. I was more focused on the strange look Daisy had on her face. She was holding something in her hand, but I couldn't tell what it was.

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