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      I  wandered around the base, exploring. May and I had just gotten done with training.

   It had been pretty tiring. And fun! I mean, just imagine getting up really really early in the morning and getting beat up by the most friendly person in the world! That's what I want to do every single morning.

     Yeah, it's super  fun.

       I walked over to the lab to see if anyone was there. I wanted to see what kind of tech they had there.

   I enjoyed working with technology. One of my friends taught me about things like that, and I picked up the rest.

   I peeked into the lab and saw Fitz bent over some papers and Simmons studying something. I knocked on the door, which was slightly ajar.

   Both of them looked up.

"Hi Coriana!" Simmons said brightly. "Come on in."

I smiled and walked into the lab. The two of them smiled at me. It was that moment I realized how cute they were together. They looked ADORABLE!

   "What are you up to?" Simmons asked. I shrugged.

"I was bored, I guess. And I kind of wanted to check out your lab,"
I replied.

   "Oh! Are you interested in science?" she asked.

"Well, I enjoy working on technology and stuff like that. My friends thought I was pretty good with it."

  "Ah, that's more of Fitz's area. I'm a biochemist, he's an engineer." I nodded.

 "So what's it like, being a spy?" I asked after a few moments of silence. The two of them glanced at each other.

   "Well," Fitz began, "At times it can be exciting-"

"And we have found fascinating things-" Simmons continued.

   "But for all of the amazing things out there-"

"Lots of them are very dangerous," Simmons finished.

I stared at them in silence for a few moments, then grinned.

"Wow," I whispered.

   "What?" Fitz asked.

"Right then! You two just like did some mega sentence-finishing! That was....just wow."

Simmons laughed.

    "We do it all of the time," she said.

 Fitz nodded.

    "We've known each other for a while," he added.

 "So how long have the two of you been with SHIELD?" I asked.

     "Well, we went to the Academy when we were about 16-" Fitz began but I cut him off.

 "What's the Academy?" I asked.

     "Oh yes, of course you don't know what it is, or really, what it was. The Academy was what SHEILD used to train future agents. There were three divisions. There was operations, communications, and science and technology-" Jemma explained.

   "Where we went, of course," Fitz finished. 

I nodded.

  "So you've been with SHIELD since you were 16?" I asked. They nodded simultaneously.

"Wow. That's young."

      "That's just a year younger than you are," Fitz pointed out.

  "And you've started training," Simmons added.

     "I know! I wasn't saying I'm not young. I may have started training, but I doubt I'll be able to go on any missions any time soon. Everyone will probably say, 'You're too young!' Or 'It's too dangerous!'. I don't know how long it will be before I'll be able to go on a mission."

   I sighed. Fitz and Simmons exchanged glances.

"Well, Coriana, you know that missions are very dangerous. But right now, the reason you can't go on them yet is because you don't have enough training. We can worry about the age factor later," Simmons said kindly.

   I smiled.

"Thanks. And by the way, you two can call me Cori. I prefer that to Coriana."

    The two of them nodded.

"Having fun talking to Fitzsimmons, Cori?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

    I turned around and saw Daisy.

"What are you doing out of bed!" Simmons exclaimed and stood up.

    "Simmons, I'm fine! I can walk," Daisy said, sighing.

"I ordered you to stay in bed! You need your rest!"

   I looked over at Fitz, who I could tell was trying not to smile. He was obviously amused, like I was.

 "Fine. I'll get back in bed. I'm just bored, that's all," Daisy said.

   Simmons nodded, satisfied.

"I'll make sure she actually gets in bed," I piped up. Daisy rolled her eyes and I grinned. We walked out into the hallway, heading towards her room.

    "So what did you call them back there?" I asked Daisy.

  "What? Oh, yeah. I called them Fitzsimmons," Daisy responded.

"Fitzsimmons?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

   "Yeah. Some people call them that since they're together so often."

I thought for a moment, then grinned.

   "Fitzsimmons. I'm definitely going to call them that."

 We reached her room and Daisy walked inside. She sighed.

 "Well, I guess I have to lay down again like Simmons said."

   I smiled.

"I can stay with you for a bit if you'd like me to," I offered.

 Daisy smiled.

"Sure. It would be nice to have some company."

Daisy got on her bed and laid down. I laid down next to her as she grabbed her computer. I watched over her shoulder as she browsed around on the computer. We talked for a bit, but eventually, she laid back onto the pillow and looked like she was drifting off.

  I leaned my head up against her shoulder, and I felt her lean her head on mine.

    I smiled and closed my eyes, and drifted off into a unusually peaceful sleep.


Ha ha. If you couldn't tell, Cori ships Fitzsimmons. This chapter was mostly to build Cori's relationship with Fitzsimmons, so I hope you enjoyed it. It'll start to move quicker soon, I promise!

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