Chapter 3

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Hey guys I have 16 reads :D I know that's not a lot but for me it is lol well

I hope you



Enjoy my beautifuls!!<3


Chapter 3

(a/n: I'm going to start putting P.O.V's

Veronica's P.O.V

So we were currently at the gate, waiting for the plane to come and take us to California. Daniel went back to sleep in my arms.

My back hurts a lot right now like I seriously need to stretch my wings it hurts like hell to always keep them folded.

" Veronica sweetie do you want some coffee, I can bring you something to eat, or drink from Starbucks?" Bessy was sitting next to me looking really tired.

"I'm fine I'm going to use the bathroom"

"Ok if you need anything just tell me ok"

I just nodded and started to wake up Daniel, I felt so bad trying to wake him up but I need to take a piss.

"Danny wake up" I shook his shoulder lightly. His beautiful green eyes flutter open and looked into my green eyes.

"Are we here in California?" He said while sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

I chuckled and moved his hair to the side of his face with my hand

"No where still in D.C, wanna go to the bathroom?" I looked at him and he yawned while nodding his head.

I got up out of my seat with his little hand in mine and start walking.

He suddenly stops right in front of me a gives me the puppy face and raises his arms.

I chuckle and roll my eyes and pick him up setting him on my hip.

He wraps his arms around my neck and lays his head on my shoulder while I start walking again and start looking for bathroom.

I feel people staring at me, wow I bet they think that Daniel is my child.

I roll my eyes at the thought.

I spot the bathroom and, fuck-.- there is a long ass line. You serious, I'm basically pissing my pants while I have a kid in my arms.

I look around trying to see if there is another bathroom but there isn't. Great just great. Note the sarcasm.

I'm in line and a lady looks at me and nods her head in disappointment. What the fuck...

" I'm so sorry for you. Having to take care of a child at such a young age. But it was your decision." She pats my shoulder and is about to walk away when Daniel shoots his head up.

"She is not my mommy! She is my sissy!" He looks at her angry and crosses his arms over his chest.

Wow this kid has more balls than I do.

The women looks surprised.

"I'm sorry I didn't know, I-I shouldn't have just assumed.." She trailed off looking down and her cheeks get red.

I chuckle, " it's ok I get that a lot" with that she nods and scurries off, and I go into the biggest bathroom stall and do my business.

I return to the gates with Daniel holding my hand and I sit down with Daniel in my lap.

I just noticed that I still have my clothing from school today. I mean I basically packed my stuff and left right after school.

God the kids must be taking it hard, It really hurts me knowing that I just basically left them in that hell hole.

Whose gonna take the to school?! God this is just cra-" VI VI!" I snap out of my thoughts and see Daniel all up in my face shaking my shoulders

"Huh?" I look at Daniel and he just rolls his eyes

"Where leaving get your bag and our passport sissy" he says while putting his spider man back pack on.

I see Bessy and Ron also getting their things ready.

I grab my stuff and get in line giving the women Daniels and my ticket and passport. She scans both of them and gives them back to me.

I grab my small luggage and head in through the door with Daniel holding my hand and get on the air plane.

looking at our tickets and see 7A and 7B. And start looking for those seats. Bessy and Ron get into their seats which are in front of ours.

"Daniel you will get the window seat ok, I don't want you sitting next to a stranger, I'll sit in the middle k"

"Ok" he slides in and I put my luggage and our back packs in the top and sit down next to Daniel.

" Vi Vi I'm kinda scared" he looks at me and back out the window.

" here grab my hand and squeeze as hard as you want so you wont get scared" I give him my hand and he gladly takes it.

Thank fully no one sits next to me.

I feel so relieved, I'm not really good with talking to people.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen this is your captin speaking, it is currently 7:30 pm. On flight 224 from Washington D.C Dulles airport to Los Angeles, California L.A.X airport. Please turn of any electronical devices, pull up your seats and buckle up for we are ready and set to take off. Please take time to look at our flight attendants demonstrate safety procedures. Once again this is your captin speaking. have a nice flight and thank you for your cooperation."

I turn off my iPhone and pull out 2 pieces of gum and give one to Daniel.

"What's this for?" He looks at me in confusion.

"Chew on it while we take off so your ears won't pop" I said while putting the gum in my mouth. He nods and starts chewing on it while we take off and he squeezes my hand a lot more harder than before.

Damn this kid has some strength.

" this is your captin speaking passengers may now turn on electronical devices, for any Internet access please look through the seat pocket and you will find a magazine with the Internet password. If you have any questions please press the attendant button and one of our flight attendants will be gladly to attend you. Snacks and drinks will soon be distributed. Please remain seated once the buckle up seat and bathroom sign have turned off you may use the bathroom. In the mean time please remain seated, thank you for your cooperation."

I look over at Daniel and he was now asleep. Damn he must be really tired. Well then that makes two of us.

I turn on my iPhone and put in my earphones and drown all the sound from the air plane and listen to The A Team by Ed Sheeran an slowly fall into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys! Well I know this chapter is kinda short but I hope you guys enjoyed!




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