Chapter 22

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Hehe here is the rest;) enjoy!





Chapter 22


How could someone do this!?

Here my baby sister lays in a tub of water filled with her own blood.

She was only in her sports bra and spandex.

She had cuts and bruises all over her body.

She was basically drowning in her own blood.

She looked dead as her body was in the bloody water.

I got up and ran to her.

"Drew grab me a towel or something look around" I said pulling her cold, lifeless body out.

"Guys what's taking you so long.......... oh my god" Nathaniel said while looking at Veronica.

"Drew snap out of it damn it! get something to wrap her in it!" I yelled at him.

He snapped out of it and looked through the cupboards and found a green towel.

I lifted Veronica up and placed her in Drew's arms and wrapped the towel around her.

Her eyes were still halfway open and her breathing was very steady. it's like at any moment her breathing will stop.

"Where's my sister" I herd Daniel stomping up the stairs.

"Danny no stay down there okay buddy? I'm coming down" Nathaniel said trying to not let Danny see his sister at this state.

"No I know she's here I wanna see her" he said climbing up the steps and stopped when he saw her bloody body in Drews arms.

"Veronica!!" Daniel yelled running towards her but Nathaniel grabbed him.

"No! let me go! that's my sister!" he said now crying full on tears tumbling down his cheeks.

He still kept thrashing in Nathaniel's arms.

"Please" he whispered as he let his body fall limp in Nathaniel's arms.

"Shh it's ok buddy were gonna get her outta here ok?" he said calmly and collected to daniel.

Drew looked heart broken.

It's like all the life was drained out of him by looking at Veronica's lifeless body.

He had tears streaming down his face.

"We gotta get outta here" I said trying to sound calm.

Everyone nodded.

Right when were about to leave three big men dressed in black came up from the stairs.

"Fuck" I whispered.

"Oh fuck it is" the middle one said smirking.

"Now let's just finish them off shall we" the one on the right said while the other two nodded.

They all took out there guns and the middle one had a shot gun.

Suddenly Daniel started to shake.


"What the hell is wrong with that-" the middle guy started but was cut off by Daniel screaming and all three of them started to choke and blood came pouring out of there mouth, eyes, ears.

Me, Drew, and Nathaniel were looking t the guys confusingly I mean Daniel is screaming really loud, like a banshee but it's not affecting us, only them.

Then Daniel flicked his hand to the side and all there necks cracked to the side and there body fell to the floor as blood gushed out of them.

"Let's go" Daniel said after his little episode.

We made it out of the woods and ran into the car, Veronica still in Drew's

I turned on the car and sped my way to the E.R.

When we made it in and Drew looked around frantically.

"Someone please help us" Drew yelled and immediately people came out with a gurney and places Veronica on it.

They put on the oxygen mask and started to pump it.

Doctor started to yell code red and people moved out of the way while others ran the same way as them.

We all sat down in some chairs and just let everything that just happened sink in.

Suddenly Daniel burst out sobbing.

I immediately grabbed him and cradled him.

He honestly is like a fragile baby.

"Veronica" he whispered and cryed while shaking.

About 2 to 3 hours later.

The doctor came out and held his clipboard.

"Family of miss Veronica Sanchez" he said looking around.

We all stood up and he smiled warmly at us.

He took out his hand and I shook it.

"Doctor Riley and you are?" He said lookin at me.

"Ashton, Veronica's brother" I said smiling.

"Well young man you are very lucky if you guys did bring her here" he let out a low whistle.

"She would've been long gone, well let's get to business, unfortunately she is in a coma but she should be waking up in 5 days to a week, she lost a lot of blood and that's what's gonna take longer for her to wake up, she has numerous cuts and bruises all over her body. we stitched up her severe cuts, but I just want to know what happened to her?" he said looking at us questioningly.

I took me a minute to soak up what he had said and process it but I finally answered.

I cleared my throat "can we go somewhere more private?" I asked.

He nodded an took me to which I'm guessing is his office.

"Sit" he said smiling.

He sat across the desk.

"Um she was kidnapped and we found her in a shack that had an underground place and um-" I stopped and swallowed the lump in my throat, as i blinked away tears.

"Take your time son" the doctor said.

"We found her in a bathroom in the tun with water filled with her blood, she looked so dead and pale, her body was so cold" I said shaking my head.

I looked up at dr.Riley and he looked concerned.

"You know son, were gonna have to report this to the police" he said.

I sighed and shook my head "I know" I muttered


2 fucking hours later we got everything sorted out with the cops and now we just have to wait and see if Veronica wakes up.

If she ever does.




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