Chapter 2

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HEY GUYS!!! Ok so barley anyone has read this unfortunately but it's ok! I will try to keep updating it a lot



Chapter 2

I was walking towards my locker, wings tucked in as tight as ever to my back, and my head was down.

Suddenly I was slammed to the lockers and my head got the best of it.

All I hear is laughter, my wings hurt, I slowly slide down and see black dots consuming my vision.

I try getting up and I'm slowly pushing my self to the girls bathroom.

'C'mon just keep going only a few more steps and your their.

I got into the bathroom and went into the first empty stall.

I let me tears fall, I don't know why they do this to me! I never did anything to them! Is it because of how I act?! Or how I look?! I can't do this anymore!

taking out the blade that I have in my back pack and look at.

I need to feel the pain, the only way to escape is just to feel the pain away.

I scoot all the way to the back of the stall and slowly place the blade on my skin. It's cold, I press it harder to my skin and slide it creating a cut. I do this numerous times.

Letting the blade drop to the floor as I let the blood drip off my arm.

After a while of looking at my blood just drip off my arm, I get up and quickly wash off and put the blade back in my bag and pull down my sleeve and walk out the bathroom.

I don't have time for this. I guess I'll just skip school. No one will notice anyways, and Sarah doesn't give a shit about me, so might as well. And with that in mind I head out the school exit doors and decided to just go pick up my little brother and the other kids.

******* "HOME"*******

"C'mon guys quickly run up to your rooms and start whatever homework you guys have ok?" They all nodded and ran up stairs

My back hurts I haven't flown in a long time but I have no where to go cuz then people will see me.. Fuck.


I sighed and went down stairs. Sarah grabs me by the hair and throws me to the ground.

" WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ME HUH!!?!?!??" She was basically on top of me, with rage filled in her eyes.

"I-I'm s-sorry" I whisper, she scoffs and slaps me across the face. I feel tears coming down my face. Why? Is all I can think of.

"PACK YOU AND YOUR LITTLE BROTHERS SHIT PEOPLE ARE COMING TO ADOPT YOU USLESS SHITS!" With that she just walked away, beer in hand like nothing happened at all.

I look up and see all four kids looking at me with tears in their eyes, scarred to death. I quickly get up and run to them.

They all hug me crying,I didn't know I was crying too.

"Shh, guys its going to be okay alright, I'm gonna get you guys out of here one way or another okay?" I sniffled and they all nodded and looked at me with red puffy eyes. " but for now I have to pack ok guys, Daniel start grabbing all your stuff and put them in your spider man back pack ok" he nodded and looked down and they all went to help him out.

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