Chapter 13

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Sorry i haven't been updating lately, i was reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green btw it was good! and Just a quickie I just wanted to let you guys know that I might be righting another story:) I'm unsure of what the name is going to be, but I will update you guys:) anyways...







Chapter 13 (Nathaniel's P.O.V)

"Oh lord" I said shaking my head as my buds and I were on our way to the office.

My friend James patted my back "nah, you see..." But he trailed off as he had his gaze at the school entrance.

I look at him questioningly and follow his gaze. what I was looking at made my stomach drop to my feet.

"I-isn't that Veronica and Drew?" James said visibly paleing.

Veronica was all covered in blood, dragging a passed out Drew by her

I got a little closer to her, "Veronica are you ok?" It seemed like the most stupidest question on earth. obviously she wasn't ok, she had blood and a lot of cuts and bruises cover her face and arms. But I just had to ask.

Me and James ran up to them, when suddenly Drew slipped out of Veronica's grip and she was falling to the floor " Veronica!!" I yelled, but before she could hit the ground, I caught her just in time.

She fell limp in my arms but her eyes where struggling to stay open.

I picked her limp body bridal style and kind of cradled her. "Someone call an ambulance!!" I yell. I know I should go to the nurse but, what the hell are they gonna do, so I just kept her in my arms in the middle of the hallway where everyone was crowding around us. I look down at her and see her slowly slipping away. "No Veronica, you gotta stay with me babe. Keep your eyes open" I said while caressing her cheek. I started to feel tears well up in my eyes. I don't know why I called her babe but it felt good to call her that. I wonder how it would feel like to have her in my arms.

"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to cause him harm, I'm so.. so sorry" was the last word that came out of her mouth before her eyes completely closed and her whole body went limp.

I started to panic "no no no" I mumbled. I picked her up and ran to the office. I kept getting a lot of weird glances from students and teachers but once they saw the blood on Veronica, shock consumed their faces.

I slam open the office door, "I need an ambulance please!" I yelled but my voice cracked at the end.

Immediately the principle came running out of her office and stopped in mid track , looking at me and Veronica.

"I already called them" she said composing herself. she then went to the mike and makes an announcement

"Attention all students and teachers, this is a code blue I repeat this is a code blue, please do not let anyone in or especially out. students and teachers please remain in your 6th period class, I will announce on the mike when code blue is over, thank you"

A few minutes later, Veronica still in my arms the ambulance comes to take Drew and Veronica. a few people come in with stretchers and pull Drew on one of them as I lay Veronica on the other one.

They immediately rush both of them out and put them in the car.

"What the hell just happened" my friend Josh and James come up behind me.

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