Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Veronica's P.O.V)

I'm suddenly awakened by my little brother whispering my name in my ear.

"Sis we're here wakey wakey"

I open my eyes to see people grabbing their luggage and leaving the plane.

Damn I slept all the way here.

I take out my other earphone and put my iPhone in one pocket and my earphones in the other.

I get up and grab my luggage and bag and give Daniel his backpack.

"Let's go buddy, hey where are Bessy and Ron?" I look down at Daniel

"They left I think there waiting for us"

He said shrugging his shoulders. I nod and keep walking.

Once I exit the plane and into the little tube thingy that connects the airport door to the plane I see Bessy and Ron waiting for us.

"Ok kids lets go to baggage claim and start heading home!" Bessy said with a huge smile on her face while Ron nodded.

Daniel and I head in front as Bessy and Ron are behind us.

I suddenly feel a hand on my wing slightly pushing me forward.

I flinched and jerk forward and walked a little faster.

Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I really hope Bessy didn't feel my wings oh god I'm freaking out so fucking bad shit!

"Uhh Bessy I need to go use the bathroom I'll be right back, Daniel you wanna come with me?" I look down at him questionaly.

He nods his head and I grab his hand and quickly go to the bathroom.

I run into the big stall with my stuff and Daniel.

"Vi Vi what's wrong?" He looks at me with a worried expression.

"Danny I think Bessy felt my.." I point to my back and Daniel looks up at me and nods.

I look at him with a confused expression.

"Don't worry sissy its gonna be ok" he looks up at me with a reassuring smile and hugs me.

To be honest with you I do feel a lot more better, just by hearing that come out of his little mouth, but ima take my anxiety pills JUST in case.

I grab my bag and start to look for my pills.

Fuck where are they. I start to search frantically. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I see Daniel holding my pills.

Oh thank god! "Thank you so much babe" he nods and gives me the bottle. I get 2 pills and swallow them down with a water bottle I have.

"Ok Daniel do u need to pee?" His cheeks get a little pink and he nods yes.

I chuckle and turn around for him so he can do his business.

"I'm done" he turn around and washes hi hands. Yeah this stall is pretty cool it has a sink in it:)

"Ok grab your stuff and let's head out"

"Are you guys ok? You two took a while in their.." Bessy looked at me and Daniel immediately grabbed my hand and started to hide behind me. I probably would've flinched but I can't show my brother that I'm scarred or weak. I have to be strong for him.

"Yeah you know just women problems if you know what I mean.." I trailed off.

"Oh ok is- is Daniel ok" she was about to try and comfort him I guess and he grabbed my leg and put his face in it and I feel a wet spot were Daniel has his face on my leg. I mean I honestly don't blame him it's all Sarah's fault.

This made my eyes water, god I don't know why Sarah did this to us, but all I know is that Daniel is fucking traumatized. He really only trusts me and I love it, but knowing that he's scarred of other people.. It hurts me so much I mean c'mon the kid is only 5 years old!

I didn't notice the tear that slid down my face.

I quickly whipped it away and grabbed Daniel and held him tightly to me. He started to cry.

I looked up and saw Bessy and Ron looking at us with worried, surprised and confused expressions.

" umm you see uhh I can't tell you I'm sorry" I whisper to them and they look sad and.. hurt?

Why would they be hurt?

I brushed it off and just nodded my head signaling for us to keep going.

They both nodded and started walking ahead of us.

"Danny baby it's ok, they're not gonna hurt us ok, I promise and if they do it will be me not you, I will always protect my baby brother" I whispered in his ear while walking.

Eventually the poor kid fell asleep in my arms and I had to basically carry everything but Bessy and Ron helped me. I had to go through security with Daniel in my arms and it was kinda annoying cuz not only would I have to take off my stuff but his too.

And let me tell you, it was fucking tiring.


So Daniel is still asleep in my arms and now we're just waiting for one of Bessy and Ron's coffers to come and pick us up.

Damn and its a nice limo well to be correct a Hummer Limo and it was black but very nice.

"Hello mrs and mr Gonzales" the guy said opening the door for Ron and Bessy.

"Thank you Anthony oh and this is Veronica and Daniel Sanchez" she pointed to my and me sleeping brother.

"Nice to meet you miss Sanchez" he said. I smiled at him and he opened the door for me and I went in, Anthony closed the door and grabbed our bags and put them in the trunk.

And with that I fell asleep with Daniel in my arms and now our life in L.A Cali starts...


Hey guys ignore the typos -.- sorry




-Giselle :)

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