Chapter 5

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated I've been busy but it probably doesn't really matter cuz not many people have read this story lol so yeah enjoy!





Chapter 5 (Veronica's P.O.V)

"Veronica, Daniel where here, wake up guys" I herd a voice whisper to me.

I feel my shoulders being slightly shaken and a light weight on me.

I immediately flinch away from the physical contact and slowly peel my eyes open to find Daniel slowly waking up from his deep slumber and Bessy hovering over us while Ron and Anthony the driver or whatever you call them bringing our bags into a HUDGE mansion.

"Danny, Danny baby wake up" I whisper in his ear.

He starts to sit up slowly and I nod to Bessy signaling we'll be there in a little bit.

"We're here?" He said rubbing his eyes with his fist and yawning.

"Yes baby we're here now can you please get up out of the car so I can stretch" I look down at him and he slowly got out of the car and stretches.

I get out and do the same.

Damn my fucking back hurts like hell, I really need to stretch my wings like seriously.

I feel so disgusting I'm still in my jeans, floral sweater and vans. My feet hurt too. Im in serious need of a bath.

"Ok my darlings so we got a call from Sarah that the papers of adoption are gonna take a while to umm be approved I guess you could say so right now, we're fostering you guys in but know that, that doesn't make any difference ok?" Bessy said

Daniel and I both nodded and Bessy led us the way into the giant mansion.

"Oh and before we forget to tell you two we have 5 children, did we miss that little detail?" Ron said while scratching the back of his neck and coming down from the spiral stairs.

"Great" I mumbled Daniel just tightened his grip on my hand.

"Umm well they all should be coming home from school in a while so in the mean time you and Daniel will be sharing a room, follow me please" Ron starting going up the stairs, me and Daniel following him.

We went down a long hallway then it was the second to last too. That I'm guessing was ours.

"And here it is, Anthony already put your stuff in their, if you guys need any help with unpacking or just anything really come to me or Bessy ok we want to make you feel like our own." He looked straight into mine and Daniels eyes.

We just looked at each other and we both nodded to him. And with that he left and closed the door.

Wow this room is amazing! I have my own apple laptop and desktop, Apple TV. Ok I'm really starting to think their obsessed with apple products. There was also a mini ipad and big ipad on the white desk next to our bed. the desk had a really nice lamp too. the table top i guess i could say had really casual but elegant carvings on it, well actually all of the furniture in here where white like that. the walls were a light pale blue color,(my favorite color by the way and red)

The bed was ginormous! You could fit like 5 people on their! It had a light blue cover folded so you can see the light green on the back of it. And the under that where just plain white blankets.

The pillows were white, light green, and pale blue but it really went with the style of the room I really did like it.

I walked around the room it had wooden polished floor with a light green carpet only under the bed. I walked to one of the doors and it was a BIG ASS WALK IN CLOSET! Wow this closet would be no where close being filled up. Even with Daniels clothing combined with mine. But I'm thinking about starting to get new clothing for Danny, shoes too.

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