Chapter 20: The End Of The Beginning.

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I sat next to him.

Fully clothed and fully frightened of what could happen.

Matty Pulled on his shoes than stared at the wall like me. We both didn't know what to do. We knew the everything that happened in our time period of knowing each other was a mistake.

"Zenny, umm.." He couldn't finish what he started.

"If I don't get closure from Sykes, Matty, I'll give you a shot. Not right away, because you're not a rebound, but within time I'll warm up." I said.

He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands and nodded. "I agree. I guess you should go home. Speak with him."

I hesitated at first, not moving. I didn't want to face him but I also had to. I needed to know everything. I needed closure. Either I'm out or in. Give up or fight.

I closes my eyes and reopened them. The water filled most of the car. My eyes burned and I was running out of air. I tilted my head up where the water has not touched yet and breathe as much as I could.

Small fishes swam into the back of the car then out. I looked in the rareview mirror and saw the back of the car lifted up on a rock.

The car was tilted.

My body was becoming numb. The broken glass seemed to slice into and through shoulder and arms. I slowly moved my hand up towards my neck and felt a piece of glass on the side.

If I pulled it out, blood with spill out and mix with the dirty salt green water. I'd die.

This glass was slowly keeping me alive and making me die fast.

I walked to our room. I found the room trashed like the rest of the house. The closet door was open with a few of my shirts and other items on the floor.

I ran to it and swung it open to reveal Oli's clothes gone. I dropped to my knees and let a cry out.

I needed my Oliver. I loved him. No matter how many times he has hurt me, I will always love him.

I ran into the bathroom feeling sick. I threw up in the sink which seemed closer than the closed toilet. I ran water around the sink blow to clear the pink liquids from it.

I washed my hands than brushed my teeth. I walked out and took out my phone from my pocket.

To: Tommy Boy

Tom, Scott there? It's a lot important.

May 2, 2007 Sunday, 4:39 p.m

I walked to my car and got in. Turning it on, I received a message.

From: Tommy Boy

Yeah, he's here. He 'bout drank all my booze. Cried himself to sleep. What'd you do to 'em, Zenrod?

May 2, 2007 Sunday, 4:42 p.m

Tears rimmed my eyes. I sniffed and pressed reply.

To: Tommy Boy

Should ask him. He did the damage. I'm coming over to speak with him.

May 2, 2007 Sunday, 4:45 p.m

I put my car in reverse then in drive. I drove about 10 minutes until I pulled up to a condo. Tom's condo.

I walked in and into the elevator. I went to his door and knocked. Oliver opened it and stared at me.

He was messy. In looks. In just about one day he went from clean to messy. I bit my lip and looked at the floor. I bounced on my feet and hid my hands in my pocket.

He had a hand that held the door open. The other one freely hung on his side. His only had swimming shorts one. They were blue with two white lines on the sides. It was the one's he bought in Florida.

"Zen." he spoke. I licked my lips after I bite them. I gave him a slight nod.

He moved to where the door was and I went in. I made my way to the couch and sat there, once again staring at the wall.

He walked to Tom's kitchen and grabbed drinks. He came back and sat with me, putting the 12 pack of beer on the coffee table.

"Why are you here?"

"The legendary question I see." I responded.

The same answer when we first met. He didn't seem to care of notice what I said. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing. Umm, I think you know the answer to that, Sykes."

He sat facing me. Our knees touched, but I didn't want any physical contact with him. So I moved my knee over my other. I tucked my hands under my thighs.

He seemed to get the hint. He seemed hurt but quickly moved to grab a beer and open it. "Please don't drink." I said.

"At least not now. I rather have you sober." I quickly added.

He put it on the table slowly. He sat up straight and played with his fingers. He coughed.

"So, I guess I should start explaining." he said.

I just nodded and listened. I felt tears run down my face. He started to explain from when he first cheated. Then what happened after that. How he felt and how he fought with himself.

How he tried to cope with the guilt that ate him within himself. How he told Matty and how shit he felt like when I was always happy to have him home.

When he was done, we sat in silence. He scratched his head. "Say something. Please." he said.

and I was.... until I dashed to the kitchens sink and threw up. Oli ran in and held the lose strands of my hair.

I threw up because of the guilt. I was nervous to tell him what happened between me and Matty. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't.

"Babe, are you OK?" he asked.

I nodded and rinsed my mouth. "Yeah, I uhh, I forgive you. Just... just don't do it again." I said.

"I need to make a phone call. I'll be back." I said.

I walked outside to the pool and closes the door. I dailed Matty's number and sighed when he picked up.

"Did you get closure?"

"He explained everything. Everything from when it started. I forgave him, Matty. I wanted to call you to tell you that... that I didn't tell him about me and you last night."

"Zen, you HAVE to tell him! A relationship is based on Love, trust, honesty, and communication. You-"

"We're not telling him Matt. End of." I snapped. I took a breath. "I'll see you later. bye."


Miss me?...... actually, miss this? 


sorry for errors.

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