The First Text

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[woah boiiii somebody wants to see Leafy POV here we goooo! -Vivi aka Veev aka the genius behind silentstarsawoken <3] oh btw guys let's just have the character also be referred to Kahlan (pronnounced KA-LIN)because this has gotten too confusing for me and the character is ME and my middle name is Kahlan because I thought having my actual name as the character would be too narcissistic so have fun

[Calvin's POV]

          I was psyched to have Kahlan's number. She seemed like a really cool person. I wasn't sure whether to text her or not, so I decided to be like, "yolo amirite" and ended up texting her.

[Kahlan's POV]

          I was sitting on my bed. Day was pretty normal, right? Wrong. Calvin texted me. I was just sitting on my bed in my hotel room, when my phone dinged. I thought it was Jessi. I was wrong. I fell off my bed as soon as I saw the text. I'd already saved him into my contacts, so it wasn't just some random number, it actually said Calvin. Oh, and in case you cared, falling off my bed onto the hard floor HURT, okay?! So don't laugh at me. Obviously, I responded right away. Who wouldn't?! Here's how the texting sort of went:

[Calvin] - hey whats up?

[Kahlan] - nothin much, hbu?

[Calvin] - not much. i made a new video.

[Kahlan] - yeah, i know. i watch your videos every day.

          OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD. THAT SOUNDED SO STALKERY OH MY GOD WHAT EVEN. I fumbled at my phone, just thinking, "OH MY GOD HOW DO I DELETE THIS MESSAGE WHAT IF HE SAW IT" and yeah. I pressed down. "UGH DAMNIT SAMSUNG WHY DO YOU HAVE TO FAIL ME NOW WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG TO GET THE MESSAGE OPTIONS WHYYYY ANDROID WHYY" and finally, delete message popped up. I'm like, OH THANK GOD YES but then, right as I was about to unsend the message, it said the words I had dreaded.

"Message Read"

          OH GOD OH GOD. Okay, Kahlan, calm down. You gotta think for a second. What could you send that could make this situation turn out okay? What possible message could make this situation become better? Think, think, think...

[Kahlan] - oh jeez, sorry for that last message... it sounded sort of stalkerish... jeez i'm so sorry i'm cringing right now so sorry

          WHAT?! KAHLAN, WHAT WAS THAT?! I said almost as many "sorries" in one text as the average Canadian does in a year! I buried my face in my hands. Nothing could get worse than THIS.

[Calvin] - no, no it's okay

          ...You mean to tell me that all that worrying was for a "no, no it's okay"?! WHAT EVEN. I felt stupid. Well, I had nothing else to talk about, so I decided to bring  up the whole deal at the mall with that anonymous hot bitch with the blonde hair.

[Kahlan] - hey, Calvin, btw, do you happen to know a chick with a ton of unnecessary make up and tons of curly blonde hair? because this girl, like, assaulted me when i went to the mall to get something for my little cousin and she said that she was your "secret admirer" and she got super pissed at me for hanging out with you. i'm just wondering because she seemed like the kinda person to have a fuckin SHRINE of you in her basement or somethin, i'm just sayin... but srsly dude... also she said i "didn't stand a chance with you" and i told her you were just a friend to me but i don't think she listened... so yeah.

          Calvin took a little more time than usual responding. I wasn't mad at him or anything... it was just... weird. I don't know...

[Calvin's POV]

          I don't know why, but something about Kahlan's text... set me off. I had a feeling it was something to do with the "you were just a friend to me" part...I mean, I couldn't be IN LOVE with her, right? I mean, Kahlan's a chill girl and all... but I just met her! No way I could care about her THIS much already! I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly got a text from Kahlan.

[Kahlan] - hey, brb a sec my boss is calling

[Calvin] - k

          I then realized I never answered her question. Oh well. Maybe I'll answer it when she gets back.

[OKAY GUYS SO THAT WAS AN UNEVENTFUL EPISODE! Don't worry, though, next episode there will be a HUUUUGE plot twist. You guys will NEVER. GUESS. Also, I've heard a lot of avid Wattpad users refer to their readers as cute little nicknames. Sooo, you guys are officially... The Bookworms? Okay, if you don't like it complain about it in the comments lmao read on my little bookworms]


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