Where The Hell Am I?!

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 [Calvin's POV]

           I woke up in a really pink room. Pink walls, pink carpet, pink everything. To be honest, the monochrome colors made me want to vomit. On the walls were posters of someone. Once I woke up a little more, however, I realized all those posters were just pictures, and they were pictures of me. This place was freaking me out. Then, I heard the door creak.

           "Good morning, Sunshine!" I could hear someone say. It was the weird stalker from earlier!

           "I'm not your fucking 'Sunshine,'" I said. She ignored my comment.

           "Sooooo, you may know, my name's Jennifer!" she said like she DIDN'T just FUCKING KIDNAP ME.

           "What the fuck are you going to do to me?" I asked. She could obviously tell I was nervous.

           "Well... let's see here. I have Whitney Wisconsin on speed dial, soooo I could have her do things to you... Oh, I also know your Twitter password, and I was saving it for just now. I could make you say some pretty bad shit, especially to that girl you like. What's her name again? Corinne?" Jennifer said.

           "Kahlan," I said, gritting my teeth.

           "Whatever. I don't give a shit. You'll probably forget about her after she leaves Utah, anyways, so why do you care?" Jennifer said. 

           "Look, I won't forget about Kahlan. I know I won't," I said, looking away a bit. Then, Jennifer picked me up by the shirt and slammed me against a fucking wall. For someone who looks like she eats a stick of gum a day, she was strong as fuck.


           "I didn't mean it like that, Jennifer. Put me down," I said.

           "Fine. I'm going to go downstairs and make some popcorn for a romantic movie we'll watch together. If you try to leave, I'll hear you," she said. I almost threw up from that sentence, but I managed to keep my cool until I knew for sure she was out of the room. I closed the door of the room very quietly, and I took Jennifer's phone that she stupidly laid out in the open. I barely remembered what Kahlan's number was, but I at least remembered it, and I texted her the first thing that came to mind.

[???] HELP ME

           It took a while for Kahlan to respond, but she finally responded with a text I kind of guessed.

[Kahlan] who the fuck are you

[???] im calvin, the bitch from the mall is holding me hostage, she's threatening to call whitney wisconsin

[Kahlan] how do i know you're real

[???] facetime me, just be quiet about it

           I Facetimed Kahlan to let her know it was the real me. Kahlan was with another girl, probably her friend Jessi she talked so much about. I talked as loud as I could without Jennifer hearing me. I told them Jennifer's address, and they said they would call the police right away. I hung up, and now all I was left to do was wonder when I could get out of here.

[Kahlan's POV]

           I got so freaked out when I got the HELP ME text, and so did Jessi. The guy texting us claimed to be Calvin, and I was very skeptical, but we Facetimed him, and it was actually Calvin. Apparantly, the stalker bitch from the mall held him hostage. Jessi and I called the police right after the call ended. The police said they'd be on their way as fast as possible. Jessi told me everything would be fine. After all, we called the police, they said they were coming. I couldn't help but worry, though. What if Calvin had already gotten hurt?

           Jessi saw the worry in my eyes. She tried to convince me yet again that Calvin would be fine, but I just wasn't sure. Even if the cops were close to the stalker's house, you never know what could happen in 5 minutes. Throughout the day, Jessi tried to make me participate in things to get my mind off Calvin. She first tried taking me to get coffee.

           "Y'know who else likes coffee? Calvin," I said. I almost started crying, but Jessi stopped that from happening. We tried to go to a small arcade in the mall.

           "Y'know who likes videogames? Calvin does," I said. Jessi got the biggest smile on her face, all of a sudden.

           "The only thing that would make you happy right now would be seeing Calvin to make sure he's okay, right? Well, we can go over there and pretend to be other people, and then take Calvin back. We'll leave the rest to the police," Jessi said. I thought it was a crazy idea, but hey. As long as I know he's safe.

           I got a redheaded wig and put some sunglasses on. Jessi just looked like her normal self,  since the stalker doesn't know her. We put together some brochures from things we saw online, and we ended up looking like real telemarketers. It didn't even matter for me, though. I was going to climb a tree and try to help Calvin escape through his window. The disguise would just be so that I wouldn't get noticed. As Jessi rang the doorbell, I climbed the tree.

           I heard Jessi saying some stuff to the stalker. The stalker seemed rather disinterested. I managed to stretch my body over to the window to tap it lightly. It managed to get Calvin's attention. He opened the window ever so slowly so that he wouldn't make a lot of noise. I grabbed his arms and pulled him into the tree.

           "Do you know how to climb down a tree?" I whispered.

           "Yeah, I think so," Calvin said back. We got down the tree together, and I gave Calvin my sunglasses and wig. Sure, the stalker bitch might be PISSED to see me, but I probably wouldn't come out physically hurt, so that's good. I ended up getting Calvin into the car without the stalker seeing, and Jessi wrapped up her vacuum conversation. As Jessi drove us down the road, I never felt more relieved in my life.

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