At the Mall AGAIN, part TWO?!

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AHHHHH I am sooo excited for this chapter! Oh, by the way, I thinking about making a huge plot twist that the blonde bitch was going to be Whitney Wisconsin, but Kahlan would know who she was since she watches Leafy's vids like every day, and plus I said the blond girl was beautiful but she used too much makeup, and Whitney looks like a fuckin facemask, so that idea is out of the water. lmao

[Calvin's POV]

         I decided to get a new hat. The only specific store for hats in the whole town was in the mall, so I decided to go to the mall. When I walked in, it was obvious two girls were fighting, because they were fighting pretty loud. As I got closer, I realized it was this creepy blond girl that stalks me and... Kahlan? She was wearing a Panic! At The Disco shirt, but I'm not going to judge her on her music taste, because she's a pretty chill girl. As I got closer as I progressed through the store, I could hear the conversation better. Then, I heard this said by the blond chick.

          "Calvin only hangs out with you because he feels BAD for you!" she screamed at Kahlan. I stopped in my tracks.

         "That's not true," I said. It took a lot to speak up, because I REALLY don't like getting involved in other peoples' shit, but... I just couldn't leave it like that. Kahlan turned around extremely fast, slightly hitting me with her braid.

          "C-Calvin?" she asked surprised. She seemed hurt by something, probably something the blond girl had said.

          "Haha, don't listen to him, Kahlan. He just doesn't want to be exposed for being super fake. He felt bad for you, and he didn't want you to get him on DramaAlert for being an asshole to fans, so he decided to start hanging out with you. Now he's in too deep, and he feels obliged to talk to you. Trust me, I know. It's happened to me," the blond girl said. Kahlan's eyes filled with tears as she looked once at the blond girl, and once at me.

          "I-I-I... I'm going to... I'm going to go for a second," she said. Her voice sort of broke, since she was about to cry. If Kahlan wore make-up, it would be running. She ran away to a bathroom, and I looked at the blond girl.

         "Look, what are you trying to accomplish here? I cut you out of my life because you're a crazy stalker, not because you're a fan! Now you've tried to sabotage all the relationships I've had with girls!" I said to the blond girl.

         "Whatever. I will make sure you love me, whatever I have to do!" she said to me.

         "Yeah man, I don't know about you, but I LOVE overly obsessive girls that try to ruin my relationships with other girls," I said. She seemed pretty angry, and walked away. I was pretty glad she finally dropped it, to be honest.

[Kahlan's POV]

          My whole world dropped when the blond girl said Calvin was a fake. Was it true? What if it really was true? What if Calvin really was a fake piece of shit? What if I was stupid for even thinking he would ever want to be around me? I remember when we first met... I freaked out, and I looked like a potato having a seizure.

          "I-I-I... I'm going to... I'm going to go for a second," I said. Tears filled my eyes, and I ran away, not looking back. I didn't want to talk to either of them, to be honest. I remembered when I talked to Calvin and pretended to have a boyfriend. I now wished I had a boyfriend, to be here to say it's all okay. I went into a bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I called Jessi immediately, not caring if anyone came in and heard a girl talking to someone on the phone.

          "Je-J-Jessi... I... I'm so confused!" I said. I was now sobbing in the bathroom stall.

          "Girl, what's wrong? What's going on?" She asked. It was obvious she was concerned. Then I realized: Who needs a boyfriend when you've got a friend like this?

          "I'm soo glad that you'd actually talk to me when I'm such a mess. Anyways, I saw... that... that blond bitch at the mall again... and... I... she... I... I'm... I'm in a bathroom stall right now, in the mall," I sobbed even harder. 

          "That's fine, we've all been there. So, what's going on?" Jessi asked me. I'm really glad I could trust such a good friend to talk about my issues to.

          "Well... the girl... commented on my body, and you know I have... self image issues... and... she said that Calvin only hangs out with me because he felt bad for me... and... then Calvin said... said she was wrong... but she said that he was... was... a f-fake... and I... I couldn't take it anymore... so I ran away..." I said. It was really hard for me to admit my self image issues out loud. Sure, I did in my head, but not out loud...

          "Wow... that's... awful. I wouldn't trust the girl, Calvin is probably an amazing guy," Jessi said to me. I took a deep breath, and realized Jessi was probably right. 

          "Thanks, Jessi, I'm really glad I could talk to you. Y'know, I'd talk for longer, but I'm in a bathroom stall right now, and I don't want people to stare at me, so I'll talk to you later!" I said.

          "Bye!" Jessi said. I was so glad I got some advice from Jessi. I stepped out of the stall. Before I left, a 6 year old girl pointed at me pushing the door of the bathroom and yelled, 

          "YOU DIDN'T WASH YOUR HANDS!" That statement probably made my day. I walked back to Justice, because I still needed to get something for my cousin. After I got a headband and a t-shirt, I walked out to my car. I did feel a lot better talking to Jessi, but I still wasn't sure what would happen between Calvin and I, and I was very nervous as I walked out the door.      

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