The Stranger

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[Kahlan's POV]

           I was playing some Flappy Bird knockoff on my phone to pass time. It was about 5:30 PM, and I was bored. Then, my phone made a DING! noise. I checked what it was, and it had a random number pop up. I opened up the message, and it said this.

           "I know who you are. I know where you live. I know who you love, who you despise, and your mortal enemy. I know your full name. I know your laptop password, I know your phone's serial number, I know everything about you," the text read. I dropped my phone as I read it. What the actual FUCK!? Someone was stalking me. Being the rational person I was, I decided to TEXT BACK.

           "Really? You know EVERYTHING about me? Cool, what's my FULL NAME!? Middle name and everything," I texted back. Oh no. This was not going to be good.

           "Kahlan Reanne Jones," the text read. My heart skipped a beat. I was pretty much dying on the inside. Who knew my whole name other than my family? I don't even think Jessi knows my full name. I don't even think my GRANDPARENTS know my full name! Well, I wasn't letting this person go down with a fight! Yeah, now that I think about it, I'm not that bright.

           "Okay, cool. Who do I love? What/Who's my mortal enemy? Who do I despise?" I said. Maybe I was risking it here... but I wanted to know if this thing was legit.

           "Respectively: Calvin, mechanical pencils with no lead in it, the blond girl from the mall," the text read. How did it know all that stuff? Who is this person?

           "Who are you?" I responded. A few minutes passed, no answer. Then, I heard my phone go off.

           "I can't say. All I can tell you is that I'm your secret admirer, and that I love you very much. I would do anything to be with you," they said. What?! How are there two secret admirers in my life at once? This was crazy. This couldn't just be some coincidence or something. This must've been a late April Fools joke or something. This can't be real.

          "Jessi, is this you? Are you pulling some sort of joke on me or something? Be honest. This cannot be real," I texted. I hoped it was all just a huge joke or something. This couldn't be real! No way.

          "This is real. I am your secret admirer. I love you, Kahlan. Why can't you see that?! I've been here your whole life, and now you move to Utah because you have a 'job' or something. Why couldn't you just be a YouTuber or something with a flexible schedule! I miss you everyday," the text read. I was scared now. Legitimately scared.

          "Jessi, you're being really funny... Hahaha, this huge joke got me! Now you can get off someone else's phone and you can tell me it was all just a huge joke! Please!" I responded. I really, REALLY hoped it was just Jessi on someone else's phone trying to freak me out. This couldn't be real. I couldn't have a stalker.

          "Please believe me. This isn't a joke. I love you, Kahlan. I really do. Please, come back. Come back to Missouri! This is where you belong!" the guy responded. I had enough. I was scared beyond belief, so I did the thing I should have done a long time ago. I should have just called Jessi first.

          "Jessi, OH MY GOD, this guy says he's my 'secret admirer,' knows EVERYTHING about me, even my full name, including my middle name, and it's freaking me the fuck out! I don't want to block him, though, because I might want to show the police the messages. He's, like, begging me to come back to Missouri. What if this dude, like, murders me in my sleep or something! HELP!" I said in a panic. 

          "Hold up, someone found your number, claimed to know everything about you, actually DOES know everything about you, and is from Missouri. That's kind of scary. You should call the police. This guy might be a serious threat to society," Jessi said.

          "Yeah, I kind of agree. To be honest, I thought you were playing a late April Fools joke on me and using someone else's phone. Then, it started getting weirder and creepier, and I realized it wasn't you pretty fast," I said to her. 

          "Here's my advice: Take screen shots of the conversation, block this dude, show the police, have the police track the number, and then he'll be caught. I could come and be a witness and confirm that the messages aren't fabricated," Jessi said.

          "Thanks, Jessi. Talking to you helped me feel a lot better about the situation. I'm gonna go and maybe have a coffee or something, I'm really glad I could talk to you or else I wouldn't have been able to continue my day. Thank you," I said to Jessi.

          "You're welcome. Bye!" Jessi said.

          "Bye!" I said. We both hung up, and I didn't worry about anything after that for the rest of the day. I didn't keep my hopes up, though, because you never know what might happen when your life is this crazy.

WOAH okay. so Kahlan got a stalker. yayyy! also, keep in mind she still hasn't told Calvin about the stalker yet... lmao. hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

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