I Hate Airports

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          At 5:30 I got up from an exhausting sleep. What was worse is that I have an exhausting plane ride to go to, just to get to some exhausting job, UGH. I'm only 20, I just started here, and we've already got a business trip. It sucks. At least we get to go to Utah? That's supposedly where Leafy lives, but I'm not even sure he's going to be in the same city as me, so whatever. I'm not getting my hopes up.

          I got to the Kansas City Airport where I awaited my flight. There were many different people there. Big, small, sexy, fedora-tippers, you name it, they were there. I guess a lot of people were boarding flights today. I stopped by the built in Starbucks, which I normally would never do, but I needed coffee because I only got 2 hours of sleep. 

          "Uhhh, hello ma'am, what would you like today?" some hipster dude with a giant beard, thick glasses and of course the iconic green apron said to me.

          "Uhm, just a coffee, please," I said to him.

          "What size, ma'am?" the dude said.

          "Tall, I guess?" I answered. Just then, my flight was about to leave, so I rushed out of there with my coffee as fast as I could. The plane was sort of lonely and boring, and although I'm good at small talk, it wouldn't do me much good since the dude next by me was asleep. I pulled up a folder I made on my laptop called "Cute Leafy Pics" which always seemed to make me feel better in hopeless situations.

          "Umm, is that LeafyIsHere?" said some snobbish-sounding blonde girl behind me.

          "YEAH, why do YOU care?!" I snapped back at her.

          "Uhmmmm, he's a CYBER BULLY." that blonde bitch snapped back at me.

          We got into a pretty heated argument. Eventually I smacked her in the face so hard she CRIED, and then I woke up.

          Now that I was actually awake and could control my thoughts, I was thrilled about going to Utah. What if Leafy was there? What if we realized we were soul mates and my place of work transferred me so I could work in Utah forever?! My thoughts kept trailing on, and on, and on, until it was finally time to land. Now we were actually IN Utah, I was even more thrilled. I MIGHT MEET LEAFY! OH MY GOD!

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