Chapter 3

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If Marinette mistakenly took Adrien as Chat Noir, Adrien almost swore Marinette was Ladybug.

He saw how the thief pushed the old man, and almost behind Marinette when she made a chase. Her petite body, her hair and her agility - which he never knew she had - was similar to that spotted heroine.

The commotion was almost perfect for him to transform, but because Plagg being Plagg, he was still not fully-charged after eating a block of cheddar cheese.

Talk about bad luck.

So he did what a Knight would normally do to his Princess. It was a success but as a consequence...

"You're alright - er, I mean - I'm about you. Ah, no. How about alright? Urgh...I'm alright!" she stuttered, reverting her back when they were still in collége.

I scared her again, he thought glumly.

His concerns grew when she jounced on his touch then gave him some nervous stares and a flustered face.

The crowd's rowdy cheers interrupted them, especially when the security officers contained the unconscious thieves.

The blond's attention was immediately shifted to the approaching elderly, then remembered the cane on his hand.

"Thanks for letting me borrow this," Adrien said as he handed the item back to the owner.

"Thanks for beating them on my behalf." the old man accepted it then looked at his companion. "Thanks to you as well. I never thought a pretty lady like you can be that deadly."

Marinette was unsure how to take the compliment. "Ah, I just did what any concerned citizen would do once they encountered a situation. And it's my pleasure to help."

The man shook his head with a bemused expression. "No. What you did was exemplary. Same with you, young man. Dashing towards your lover like a knight in shining armor."

"We're not lovers!" they exclaimed in unison, then blushed profusely like they've been caught in a lie, which altogether seems contradictory.

Their reactions earned a chuckle. "I'm curious about the two of you. I'm hoping if you can join me for breakfast, as a payment for saving my life."

"Oh no. You don't have to do that, Monsieur..."

"Antoine, Mademoiselle. Call me Antoine."

"Yes, Antoine, Monsieur. Thanks for the invite, but we have to decline. Your gratitude is enough for us, right?" Marinette said as she gave her companion a pleading look.

"It's your thought that counts, Monsieur Antoine. Besides, we also have matters to attend..." Adrien supported, then trailed off when he heard an announcement. "...or not."

The designer caught the changes in his expression, then followed his panic stares when he eyed the departing train. She didn't need his words to know that they were supposed to be on board at the moment.

Talk about bad luck.

When Antoine saw their paled faces, he immediately knew that their train just left them.

He knew he was to blame why the teenagers got stuck. Trying to brush his guilt, he checked his wristwatch.

"Let me tell you that the trains depart here after an hour, so don't worry if you ever missed your ride. The tickets are refundable here anyways." the old man told them. "Also, I know where I can get you two to Normandy faster."

Both looked at the man like he was an angel sent by Heaven. But before they could say something, their stomach grumbled simultaneously.

"Looks like it calls for breakfast." Antoine laughed much to their embarrassment.

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