Chapter 36

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Adrien was trying to fight his drowsiness but the murmuring voices of his classmates were only lulling him to sleep.

"I have no idea why..."

" way to check my blog."

"...see that green van. They must have an engine failure..."

"...stranded in the middle of nowhere..."

"Mari, you're right! There's a train havoc in..."

Squeezing his eyes closed, his consciousness flitted towards a strange yet familiar place.

The sky was getting darker, and a thunder just rolled somewhere nearby. Tall luscious trees were everywhere, but the concrete road and the Bus Stop signage hinted him that the area wasn't entirely isolated.

And there he saw Marinette.

She was wearing her usual white shirt over her black-sleeved coat, with capri pants and pink doll shoes. Exhaustion was all over her face, and her enamored bluebell eyes were filled with sadness.

It was a heart-breaking sight.

"Despise is a strong word, Adrien," she told him. "I'm not disappointed or hated you for that matter. In fact, I'm afraid that I ruined your expectations."

Ruined his expectations? She didn't at all - in fact, she far more exceeded his expectations. He was clear on that.

But why was it she was still crying?

"I am nothing but an illusion."


Adrien immediately pounced, only to bump his nose on the passenger's backseat. The pain jolted him back to reality.

Marinette was nowhere to be found, which caused him some slight panic, same with their other classmate - except Nino who was staring at him with incredulity.

"Dude." his friend deadpanned. "I'd rather much prefer the comfort of our hotel bed than the seats here."

The model looked around, barely recovering from his nightmare. "We - where are they?"

"Outside. Basking in the summer sun." was his reply.

"I see." he sighed, feeling clammy as he brushed his face with his palms. "Thanks."

"No problem." Nino shrugged, with both shoulders strapped by his knapsack. "I've been trying to wake you for minutes but you're in a deep slumber, man. You even have the audacity to snore."

Adrien cautiously looked at his classmate. "Don't tell me Marinette saw me drooling."

"I won't tell you that Marinette saw you drooling."

He gasped "Ni - NO!"

"Chill, dude." the DJ guffawed at his mortification. "Why don't you get up there and do something to redeem your honor?"

"I swear I'm going to do something to humiliate you. And I'm going to tell Alya all about it." the blond grumbled then followed his best friend outside the bus.





The hotel that their Lycée contracted in Saint-Clair has a magnificent view not only of the Canal de Caen à la Mer but also the bluish horizon of the English Channel.

Most of all, the hotel offered quarters ideal for group accommodations.

"Dibs on the window side!" Kim hollered as he rushed into the room.

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