Chapter 29

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Adrien wasn't much of a stranger in Dupain-Cheng's household. After that Ultimate Mecha Strike III practice he had with Marinette way back in troisième, he often visited the place both in civilian and superhero selves.

So he wasn't that much surprised to see the shocking pink painted on her room's walls, but not after he was greeted by a poster.

Correction, posters.

Not just an ordinary posters, but posters of himself.

Himself as the model in various poses, starting from his collège days up to lycèe. Magazine pin-ups, newspaper clips that featured his runways. And was that a copy of his schedule?!

"Someone has an obsessive crush~" Plagg floated out from his charger's pocket, then gave him a smug after seeing the blond's shocking pink state.

"Shu - shut up!" the boy stammered, trying to whack his snickering kwami but his aim accidentally fell on the desktop mouse. The darkened screen lit up, revealing a made-up collage of him set as wallpaper.

His shocking pink became a blazing red.

Wait, didn't she confess to him about her stalkerish activities yesterday?

She did, he recalled. He didn't expect that it'd be this extensive.

A scream downstairs snapped him from his reverie. He first thought it was an Akuma attack, and about to rush for Marinette's aid when he heard a thumping step, followed by a flying trap door and a flustered girlfriend.

"What's wro - OOF!"

He was taken aback when his said girlfriend suddenly grappled his arm then flung his body for a back throw.

"Nooooooo!" she wailed, unaware how his boyfriend painfully wheezed for air. "Don't look!"

Too late.

She bolted towards her wall to remove the posters, but before she could grab one, a pair of strong arms pulled her down to the floor. It was a heavy fall, but her head was protected by something soft.

"Falling for me, My Lady?" he rasped.

She squealed with defeat, more when her tongue couldn't spat back because his pun was so spot-on literally and figuratively. All she could do was to squeeze her eyes shut, curl and cover her face with both hands.

"You're not supposed to see...those."

"Why not?" he retorted with a grin. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about it."

"There is!" she whimpered, still unable to look at him.

He nudged his nose in between her finger gaps. "Hey, you told me about this yesterday. Besides, nobody has ever done something like this to me before."

"You have no idea," she muttered with an eye roll behind her palms. "These are nothing compare to your avid fan's collections."

"Not as interesting as Buginette's though."

Marinette was about to retort back when a warm liquid suddenly contacted her hand. It greatly alarmed her, especially when she caught him sniffling. She immediately cupped his face, wiping the stray tears with her thumbs and pored at his bleary green eyes with confusion.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Instead of answering, Adrien dropped his head on the crook of her neck and whispered. "What did I do to deserve your affection?"

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" she sighed as she gently raked his blond locks. "Shouldn't I be the one who does the crying here because you've found out my excessive crush?"

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