Chapter 34 - Reset

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The Lycèe department of Françoise Dupont organized a summer field trip not only for educational purposes but also for recreational ones. It was arranged as a consolation to the seniors before they start preparing for their le bac, and at the same time, the best distraction to unwind and enlighten those who were still in the bind.

When a black limousine parked outside the school entrance, Nino couldn't help but run towards it.

"Yo, Adrien! You're finally here!" the future DJ greeted when an obviously excited blond-haired model emerged from the vehicle. Like him, his friend was carrying a big, traveling bag full of clothes and other necessities.

"Salut, Nino!" Adrien replied with a high-five. "Have you seen Marinette?"

His bespectacled friend blinked. It wasn't odd for the model to be thoughtful on his friends, but he wasn't a type that would single-out a person's name before his bro. And the way his addled eyes loomed around the place told him that something wasn't right.

"No. Not yet," he answered, curiosity all over his face. "Why?"

Green eyes enlarged, and with a hand on his neck he replied. "Ah, no. It's nothing. Sorry, I only slept like four hours."

"Mine's three, dude." Nino gave him a stony look. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to start picking up on Alya."

"I told you it's nothing." his friend groaned, crossing his arms in defense.

The DJ shrugged. "Whatever you say, dude."

Adrien exasperatedly sighed. For some unknown reasons, he woke up thinking about Marinette. It wasn't the first time his mind got preoccupied with a girl, but those were always about Ladybug. He had no idea how his Princess entered the scene.

His Princess, he mused. How fitting.

"Don't give me that face. You're creeping me out." Nino commented with feigned shudders.

"Oh, shut up." he rolled his eyes, then lightly punched his shoulder. "You know, I thought I'll be late."

"I'm glad your father finally agreed to give you a break. One was supposed to start working after they finished school, you know."

"I'm surprised that he allowed me to join here. He even told Natalie to clear my schedules for two weeks." the model remarked then shrugged his shoulders. "I just consider my work as some sort of helping our family business."

"Hey, guys! Over here!" Alya called them while waving her hands in the air. She was carrying a matching traveling bag with a video camera on the side.

"Salut, Alya. Seems like you're totally prepared for this trip." Adrien's greetings earned him a smirk.

"Of course, I can't miss this for the world!" she replied enthusiastically as she looked around. "But I think we might be missing one."

That moment, Adrien was expecting to see a petite, dark-haired girl running towards them, carrying a large traveling bag with a small box tucked in her arms. But none showed up.

Not even a slight commotion.

"She's late," he muttered, unable to conceal his worries.

"Geez, It's okay, Adrien. I've been expecting this, that's why I gave her a fifteen-minute leeway for our meetup." she began fiddling her inbox. "Since when did Marinette arrives on time?"

"My dude here was so concerned he immediately asked me about her whereabouts."

The brunette's brows shoot up with knowing eyes glinting behind her glasses. "Oh? The sunshine boy was scared of leaving our Sweet Mari behind?"

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