Chapter 10

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A pair of blue and green eyes glowered towards the approaching man then hovered behind him where his two companions stayed. It didn't take much time for the teenagers to know that these strangers were bad news.

"Hi, Missy." the burly man greeted her with a wink. "Fancy meeting you here."

Adrien stepped forward but Marinette beat him first. There's no need for her to see his facial expression to know that he was pissed off with the man, and more when she blocked his way.

"Mari - "

"I didn't expect to receive such...reception from you, Monsieur," she responded to the man with a fake smile while nudging her companion to stop.

Creating another scenario was the last thing she wanted to do there.

However, Adrien didn't get her subtle warnings. She felt his hands stiffed on her shoulders, and when he insistently pushed himself forward, she was left with no choice but to whirl around...

...and tried not to flinch when she saw his green eyes darkened with slit-like pupils that rabidly locked on his prey.

"Why don't you check the counter and inquire for some spare chargers?" she told him, trying not to wince when he bolted her some dagger looks.


"Adrien, we need to charge our phone," she emphasized. "And our friends here want to have a chit-chat. You won't mind, right?"

Of course, he'd mind.

He didn't like those people ogling his friend like hungry wolves, and he would be more than happy to snap each of their bones like chicken drumsticks.

However, his sweet, kind, and thoughtful friend have other ideas, and he didn't like it. The suggestive murmurs from the audience didn't help him either.

Crossing his arms, he hissed "I'm not leaving."

"Who says you're leaving?" she replied warmly but with stoic eyes. "I thought you'll be checking the counter."

He's Chat Noir, damn it, and he was supposed to be on the front lines!

But then, Marinette wasn't Ladybug to know his abilities, thus he was left with no choice but to suck it up.

Adrien walked an earshot away to the counter where a perturbed owner was observing the scene. He did ask him for a charger, but with a hushed inquiry about the catcalling trio.

"What a way to manhandle your boyfriend." one of the men snickered.

"He's just considerate." the designer countered as she mustered herself not to punch his ugly face.

Not that she didn't want to clarify their misconceptions about their relationship; she didn't want to involve Adrien on a possible brawl after she led him away from the danger.

She believed that her classmate was quite capable of protecting himself. She was touched that he actually defended her, but he was outnumbered and the men were twice of his size.

Unlike him, she has an alter-ego who slug giant and feisty Akumas for breakfast.

Which was why these three burly and stinky drunkards were nothing to her, even without the aid of her Miraculous.

Pulling her superheroine's sassy confidence, Marinette asked the leader. "So...what are we talking about?"

"Uh. Oh yeah." he cleared his throat. "My friends and I would like to invite a lady like you for a drink. My treat."

The designer raised her brows, unmoved, and her apathetic gesture made the other follower tapped his leader's shoulder for a whisper. She was a bit impressed that these guys were sober enough to read signs.

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