Chapter 5

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If it was all about distraction - or destruction, no pun intended - Chat Noir would be the best person. Not that Ladybug didn't know how to do it (because she was damn sure she can distract her partner with a mere wink), the superheroine would require some ample time to utilize her powers.

But that was for 'Akuma attacks'.

'Crazy fans' would be a different story.

Ladybug knows the feeling of having fans; Marinette knows the feeling of being a fan - so technically, the aspiring designer didn't have to rattle her brains out just to solve the problem.

And yet she did.

"What am I going to do, Tikki?" she asked her hundred-year-old guardian. "Do I need to transform here or what?"

"You have the answer. You've been asking me that same question thrice already." was the stony reply.

"Urgh." the girl grunted while staring at the commotion in front of her.

She tried, really tried to get on hold of Adrien despite her disadvantages in terms of height and strength as a civilian. If she was in her superhero form, she might've flung those people out then grab the model safely back to their bus.

However, Marinette was the problem.

If she transforms into Ladybug then throw Adrien inside the bus, of course, Marinette will hide in order to de-transform but with no guarantees that she will never be left behind.

If she transforms into Ladybug, throw Adrien inside the bus, then de-transform there, Marinette's identity will be at stake.

If she transforms into Ladybug, throw Adrien inside the bus and stayed there as Ladybug, she might have lots of explanations as to why Marinette left herself behind.

If she transforms into Ladybug, throw Adrien inside the bus, then Marinette will likely hide somewhere to de-transform with a chance that she will never be left behind. But then, there will be no guarantees that some of his crazy fans were not among the passengers.

"How I wish I'm not Ladybug." her bewails earned her a pinch.

Marinette was simply joking of course, but the sight of their driver walking towards their bus only adds up to the pressure.

Tikki's frantic voice wasn't helpful either. "Hurry, Marinette! He's coming back!"

One thing for sure, she couldn't just leave Adrien there then proceed to their travel plans all by herself. Not only because she was concerned for his well-being, but because her integrity as a class officer was put on the line.

If only I can delay that bus for a minute...

"Tikki!" she called her transformation while wishing for Chat Noir's assistance. "Transforme moi!"





In actuality, Chat Noir was there but as a helpless civilian.

Being a master of distraction - or destruction, he mew-sed - Adrien was able to wheedle himself away from that tight situation.

Only to end up in a tight space.

He couldn't help but be happy for the invention of Men's Toilet, a place he considered his solace during Akuma attacks and fans' assault.

As of the moment, no one knew that he was there all along. Even if his fans would comb the entire place to seek him out, they would never dare to check all the toilet's cubicles without considering some people's potty time. Not to mention some gender restrictions.

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