Chapter 22

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"Have you ever heard the word limitations?" Marinette huffed when Adrien nuzzled her neck. Why he was doing it, she has a slight idea.

A certain cat was trying his best to pacify her anger. Unfortunately, she didn't find him cute.

"It's just an eight meownce, my Lady."

"My ass. A glass won't make a person this drunk."

"I'm not drunk." he defended with a pout. "Just dizzy."

She cupped his red face and slapped a damp cloth on his forehead. The coldness made him squirm.

"You're so cold, Princess!" he yelped.

"'Coz bad kitties must be punished."

"Ooh, that sounds so kinky~"

She felt his brows wiggled against the cloth, and when he purred his words, she nudged his head backward. He groused on her harshness, but she wasn't sorry for her actions.

Besides, he deserved it.

"Pinot Meow," he grumbled as she wiped his face. "There must be a catnip on Pinot Meow."

"Of course there is, and before you say anything - yes, I know that it's real."

He smirked, recalling a certain memory. "I bought a bottle for Plagg once, just for a heck of it. And the fact that, you know, cheese and wine are partners in crime. And guess what happened?"

"As much as I would like to know the rest of it, and I bet I'm going to end up rolling on the floor laughing," she stated with a beady glare. "But no, I'm not interested. You're stalling, you're not admitting that Sean cohort you - and I don't like it. You're making me mad."

He gave her a dopey smile.

"You're supposed to say no if you can't tolerate alcohol," she muttered without stopping her ministrations. "I thought someone smacked you down when I saw you slumping on your chair. And I was gone for less than five minutes."

"I'm not drunk." he defended again. "And Sean was considerate."

"Uh-huh, and I'm Chat Noir."

Half-lidded eyes glowered. "Why do you women always want to win the argument?"

"That's because we have an evidence, and you," she emphasized. "Don't have an alibi."

He mumbled something about Tom and women's rights, but she didn't pry into it further.

The noticeable red patches on his skin began to dissipate, so she knew that the medicine she acquired from Celia has finally kicked in.

"Okay, I admit I'm drunk." he breathed with a lop-sided grin. "Drunk in love."

Rolling her eyes, she covered his entire face with a cloth.

"Wipe that damn smirk off, tomcat." she miffed when he gave a hearty laugh. "I think you're fine now since you're starting to goof around."

He removed the cloth, then frowned. "Meow-ch. You wound me, Princess."

The two were sitting near the chateau's small fountain located relatively far from the reception area. They might be away from the joyous crowd, but they could still hear the music in the air.

"You know, everything is first for me," he told her. "Spending a night under a starry sky with the most beautiful girl, in a beautiful town of Normandy, outside my beautiful mask, and now I'm starting to feel so damn lucky."

He was rewarded with a pinkish blush, and an adorable squeak when he planted a kiss on her hand.

"Is it the cat talking?" she asked, drowning herself in his glowing green eyes. "Or the wine?"

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