Chapter 6

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"We'll go Rock," Marinette said as she removed her blazer, revealing her well-toned arms.

It was a disturbing sight for Adrien, in a very erotic level, and the knowledge that both of them were in a compact space of a Men's toilet's cubicle didn't help him at all. He focused his attention on the items dropped on his lap instead - which consist of a set of face paint, a chain and few scraps God knows where it came from.

And the sight made him more nervous.

"By Rock, you mean like Jagged Stone's rock?"

"That, or Punk, or anything you like." the pig-tailed designer suggested. "As long as it's out of your norm."

"I don't think the term 'fashion statement' has been out of my norm."

"But this involves role-playing."

Marinette has an incredible artistic skill, being an aspiring designer and all, so he trusted her judgments well. And regarding her concerns about him not comfortable with her idea was somewhat funny.

What would be her reaction if she saw him donned a black mask, black spandex with matching ears and tails while chasing a bloody hell of Akuma for breakfast?

"But really." the blond shook his head. "I haven't tried doing anything like cosplay."

"You're a professional model. Dressing up is your game."

"But not as silly as this."

"Not even Halloweens like Trick-or-Treat?" she asked while picking up the chain from his lap.

"I'm banned outdoors since I was a kid, so no."

The girl paused while feigning a pitying look. "I know you have a sad childhood, but I never imagined it to be this tragic."

"Ha-ha, very funny." Adrien scoffed then looked at the white paint. "Hey, you said I can choose anything, right?"

"Yeah. Got ideas?"

"Just a suggestion though." he toyed the lid as he considered some options. "Can I...can I try Johannes Krauser II?

"Krauser...the one in Detroit Metal City?!"

"Yeah. The lead singer." he was a bit unfazed by her reaction. "I didn't expect you to know them."

"You're not the only one who's into animation, nerd guy." she crossed her arms with a pursed grin. "But then, why not? First times should be memorable."

It was difficult for Marinette to move around the cubicle. She remained standing while she tried to tuck her capri pants a bit higher, same with her shirt as she plopped a button.

She smiled when she saw Adrien fiddling with the paints like a toddler who got his first coloring materials. The model in him must've taught him some tricks about cosmetics, so it wasn't a surprisehow he smudged the white with black in order to achieve the smokey eyes.

She poked him about his hair, in which he nodded for approval, so she dabbed a fold of tissue papers with water from the sprinkler behind the bowl, then used it to damp his blond hair. She used her fingers to flatten the locks and parted them to the center. His hair might not be that long, but his make-up made the character alive.

"You're not cut to work in parlors," she smirked, which earned a scowl.

"I'll take note of that."

"Let's swap places." she nudged, making him stand behind the door while she sat on the toilet lid.

Another cluttering noise was heard outside, making the two teenagers fell silent again as they finished the task.

Adrien froze on his spot as Marinette altered his clothes and added some accessories to his body. Marinette, on the other hand, tried not to drool as she brushed his biceps and packed abs.

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