Chapter 19

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"So." the old lady began, eyeing a cuddle pile of drenched teenagers on the backside.

They might've whisked some rain away with a towel but still not enough to combat the coldness that seeped through their bones that even a blanket and a companion's body heat couldn't stop their shivers.

"How did you two end up in Argentan?"

Adrien looked at Marinette who simply shrugged her shoulders.

As if they could tell them that some goons kidnapped them, took them in a remote mansion, made an escape by hitchhiking on top of a truck, and then dropped off to an unknown place only to be realized that it was part of Orne.

So they choose the most plausible explanation.

"We got lost." the blond said.

"Again." his companion added.

"Really?" the driver interjected with a mild humor. "Are you both idiots or what?"

Instead of being offended, Sean's words triggered an inside humor that made them giggled.

"Yeah, we're idiots."

"Not just idiots." Adrien gushed as he snuggled himself more. "But also stupid. Stupidly in love."

The mother and son were half-grinning and half-cringing in his reply.

Inside Marinette's pouch, Tikki was highly amused on the twist of events, unlike Plagg who groaned at his charger's cheesy line - and he was supposed to love cheese.

"They were crying moments ago, then got mad and began shouting at each other, only to be followed by ridiculous giggles, and now they're getting frisky!" the black kwami complained. "And the worse is, I still don't have my Camembert!"

"Why don't you stop being a self-centered doofus and admit that you're happy for them?" the red kwami swooned. "As if you haven't witnessed how teenage love works."

Plagg grimaced. "You know, I have this inkling feeling that the Guardian handed us to do matchmakings, instead of 'saving the world' purpose shits."

"It goes to show that your kittens cannot resist my bugs' charms. And vice versa!"

"You don't get it, Tikki! You're not the one who's being tortured almost every night hearing about his lovesick gushings! Now I'm so not looking forward to this new development!"

Fortunately, their chargers didn't hear his complaints else Adrien already squashed the pouch.

"I thought you two have a wedding to be attended today?" Marinette asked their saviors.

"Yes, we have. And we did." the old lady responded. "It was a smooth-sailing ceremony, thanks to you, but because of this weather, the Bride and the Groom decided to stay in the chapel together with some guests and wait till the rain stops. And since we have a vehicle running, thanks to you young man, we went ahead to the reception then detoured here due to road blockage. Who would've thought that our paths would cross again?"

"Road blockage?"

"Ah, there's an ongoing construction near the south-end which rerouting some public vehicles. Some property damages, I've heard."

So that was why there was no bus in sight.

"See? If we left the post, we might've been traveling off to Caen by now." the raven-haired girl bumped her companion's shoulder, only to get a poke on the cheek.

"If we left the post, M'lady, we wouldn't be here with them right now." he teased. "And we might've not done the things we made back there."

She blushed profusely.

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