Chapter 12

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She got three possible reasons why her parents would call her even if they were preoccupied several miles away.

First scenario: "Hi Marinette, your Maman and I saw your name on the national news as the one who knocked a man out of his wits. It was an act of self-defense, but look what happened? You've been labeled as a wanted criminal. Also, you're grounded."

Second scenario: "Hi Marinette, your Maman and I received a call from Mr. Damocles that you ditched your school's field trip and told Ms. Bustier that you'll catch up with them, but look what happened? You even lied to us. Also, you're grounded."

Third scenario: "Hi Marinette, your Maman and I was informed by Mr. Agreste about you abducting his beloved son, promising him to be with your class before the end of the day, but look what happened? Now your name was banned in the fashion world. Also, you're grounded."

One way or another, for them to call her in an untimely situation would only mean bad news.

But she couldn't hang up with them, with or without a witness. They were her parents, whom she loved most and wouldn't trade for anyone in the world, and not answering their call was very disrespectful on her part. They didn't raise her to be an ingrate daughter.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed the Accept button.

"He-hello, Papa?"

"Hello, sweetie! How are you?" Tom's jolly voice boomed. "How did you find Normandy?"

"It's..." she trailed off while staring at the view outside the bus' window. She was technically in Normandy anyways. "Good. The place is great. I thought you'll be back by tomorrow?"

"I know, but we're on a break right now, and your Maman here is enjoying her mimosa."

She swore her Papa winked there.

"Anyways," she spoke immediately to abrupt his inquiries. "How's the convention?"

"Same as usual. Rowdy bakers and superior confectioneries." her father scoffed. "Your Maman is good at telling time than me, so I believe it's already five in the afternoon there."

"Quarter to five, to be exact."

"Oh, Let me tell you that I'm in a speaker mode so she's currently listening to our conversation."

She gulped audibly. "That's...good to hear."

"Oh, can we do a video call?" he suggested. "Unless you're busy."

"Bus - busy?! No, no, I'm not in a bus, erm, I'm mean busy... Why would I be busy?" his daughter stuttered while mentally slapping herself.

"Besides." she went on. "Isn't this an international call?"

"This one is free with no service cost, don't worry," Sabine assured her.

Marinette could actually say no to them. She had lied to people several times since she became Ladybug, including her parents, so this could be one of the many.

But those lies were due to a selfless conduct. Her current situation was not even related to the superheroine or someone in trouble - well, only Marinette was the 'someone in trouble', but that was different - so she couldn't think of any valid excuses.

But then, lies, regardless if they are white or black, are considered to be a lie.

The designer glanced at her companion who was fidgeting on his seat.

Bless Adrien and his pure soul - he was supportive enough to cheer his totally screwed classmate who was about to be grilled over the phone in a few moments.

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