Chapter 14

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A rattling noise sounded inside the toilet.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng?" Tyrone called as he rapped the door. No one answered.

With a cold concern, he pulled out his keys to open the locked door. He swung it widely, surprised that the girl didn't turn on the lights. Before he could switch it on, a spotty red arm knocked him unconscious.

Two men only heard the loud thud, so they immediately headed towards the assistant. The last memory they had was a red and black blur.

Ladybug clapped her hands satisfactorily as she dragged the men into the toilet. She peeked in the study area before she went out. Once the coast was cleared, she hacked some cabled wires attached on the walls - she couldn't use the landlines to contact the authorities anyways - and used it to bind the men separately, with their hands tied behind their feet. She finished them by stuffing a crumpled paper in their mouths.

She folded her hands, silently prayed that no one would mistakenly kink shame her for a shibari, then walked outside.





"Erm, sir?" a boy's muffled voice echoed inside. "I think there's a problem with the flush."

One of the guards looked at his companions with skeptical eyes before he entered the room. He was taken aback when a baton knocked him out unconscious.

The three caught the assault, but their reaction was a bit slower compare to the dark-clad superhero who whacked their heads cold.

Chat Noir cupped their clothes to confiscate their weapons then flung it all outside the window except a silencer. It was a 9mm Maxim pistol which snugged perfectly on his fingers.

He cracked it, suppressing the feel of releasing the trigger to one of the men's head and instead aimed it at the mechanical knob. This would give those people some trouble disengaging the locks from the inside.

He might be housing a god of destruction, but he got morals to adhere.





While Ladybug rushed to the direction she believed Adrien was being brought to and Chat Noir to the room where Marinette was confined, the two didn't expect to meet their respective partners along the hallway.


"Chat Noir?!"

"What are you doing here?!" the two chorused, only to realize that it was not an appropriate time for them to dilly-dallying.

"Have you seen Adrien?!"

"Have you seen Marinette?!"

Then the two stopped, shocked at their partner's inquiry. But before they could ask, Chat's ears perked up at an incoming people.

They leaped and glued themselves above the ceiling as they observed a group of frantic men.

"We saw Tyrone gagged inside the toilet and found this." one of the men reported as he showed a cable wire. "That Chinese girl was missing."

Chat Noir had to control his growl and the temptation to pounce the men below. He felt Ladybug's breath hitched when the other men commented.

"I'm not seeing that blond model anywhere either. You think those two were together now?"

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