Chapter 17

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'Look out' was supposed to be the appropriate phrase one would say if a projectile was about to hit a nearby person, even if the said projectile was you.

But for some reasons, Ladybug screamed differently.

"Don't look!"

It was her warning for Chat Noir that she de-transformed as Marinette and a reminder to her that Chat Noir de-transformed as...well, whoever he was because she closed her eyes when a green light flashed before her.

And as far as her Physics goes, she went into a 'Slingshot Maneuver' and crashed to a nearby body by sheer luck.

It was one hell of an impact.

"How nice for you to drop by." said body rasped beneath her. "At least...we're not hanging out this time."

She groaned.

Falling face flat on a truck's metal roof was now added to Marinette's Clumsy List, as well as Ladybug's Unfortunate Events, and the fact that she almost killed her partner had her run some inventory on their anatomies like dislocated joints or broken limbs.

"Did you see me?" she asked him.

"No, my Lady," he answered on her implied question, then got worried. "Did you?"

"No, Kitty. I didn't."

Adrien sighed with relief. He might've been pestering her for years about her identity, but on his end, he wasn't ready yet. He was too concerned about her opinions on him, as well as her disappointments.

No one dared to move, not only because their bodies were still singing with pain, but because they were afraid that the person beneath - or on top - might see a glimpse of their unmasked face.

Besides, the sun wasn't set yet.

"I can't feel my arm." the blonde bemoaned as he moved his right that was numbed by his partner's weight.



"You're groping my chest."

"Oh. Sorry," he said in an unapologetic tone.

So Marinette kicked his shin.

"Meow-ch!" he whined even though he stopped moving. "I never thought that's gonna be a tibia matter."

"Why am I regretting not to knock you out cold?"

"You hurt me, Bugaboo. Oh wait - you already did."

She squirmed. "You and your punny attitudes will lead you to death."

"Hey, don't deny this cat for his identity," he replied with a notion. "My eyes are closed for your concern, you know."

"Oh. Mine too," she assured him, now that the humor gradually mellowed.

She had to muster her strength to lift her upper left body a bit, and when he wiggled his arm out for a better blood circulation, she slumped herself back again.

If they weren't mindful of their detransformation, Adrien might've enjoyed their intimate cuddling position.

Though in reality, they were just sprawling on each other.

And speaking of detransformation...

"Tikki?" Marinette croaked, raising her head with closed eyes. "Tikki? Where are you?"

Adrien didn't know Tikki, so he presumed it was the name of Ladybug's kwami, which made him remembered his own.

"Plagg? Plagg, are you here?"

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