Chapter 25

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"Are we there yet?" Plagg asked his charger with excitement.


A few minutes later, he asked again. "Are we there yet?"


Another minute has passed. "Are we there yet?"

"Plagg," Adrien growled, then looked at his flying kwami. "Ask me again, I swear, and I'll have this vehicle swivel around you're not going to see that place called Camembert."

"Impossible." the black kwami crossed his small arms. "There's no way you can turn this pickup around. This is a one-way narrow road surrounded by muddy grounds."

"Oh yes, I can. Or I can tell Jacques to go straight ahead to the train station."

"You can't do that!"

"Guys, calm down." Marinette giggled at the banters. "Don't tease your kwami that much, Kitty. And Plagg - relax, will you? Want some cookies?"

"Eew! No thanks!"

"Plagg." Tikki scowled. "Don't you ever say 'eew' to cookies. Show some respect."

The teenagers gave an exasperated laugh as they munched their meal. They were thankful that Sean's household packed them some butter cookies and a thermos of hot cocoa even though they initially refused the offer. A free ride towards their destination was enough already, however, the man felt like the gesture wasn't enough to pay all the deeds that they made to save his sister's wedding.

Currently, the two were sitting in the back rear of the truck where the cargoes were loaded. Jacques didn't question the two why they opted to stay there, or even concerned about their safety. He somewhat knew that urbanites like them tend to enjoy the dewy mornings of the French countryside.

Travelling to Camembert was fairly easy. It took them less than thirty minutes to reach the small commune, and since their guide was a local, they were able to enter one of the dairy farms there without further negotiations.

"Oh, the cheese...I can smell the cheese in the air!"

The three only groaned in unison upon witnessing the black kwami's antics.

He squealed when the pickup stopped at an unknown orchard, then flew inside his charger's shirt pocket. Adrien only rolled his eyes while Marinette chuckled as Tikki slipped inside her purse.

Before they could touch the ground, a burly man around sixties walked towards the driver's area - probably another local who knew Jacques - then eyed the two with curiosity.

"They're the buyers." their guide introduced them.

"I'm Devon, the owner of this humble mill." the man greeted. "And welcome to Camembert."

While Jacques decided to park the vehicle, the teenagers followed Devon as he led them to his vast property.

A Normande cattle of black-pied cows were grazing almost everywhere. They weren't hostile, but the two couldn't help but be wary in case an unexpected 'stampede' occurred and victimized them.

Sensing their worries, the man laughed "Oh kids, they might be big but they're harmless like babies."

His light-hearted words failed to convince them.

Upon approaching the barn's entrance, Marinette halted her steps.

"Uh, Adrien?" she muttered, fidgeting the hem of her overcoat. "I'll wait for you here. Outside."

"I concur!" a faint voice from her purse seconded.

Green eyes grew like saucers as he stopped, with paled face knowing that the love of his life - and her kwami - was abandoning him alone. Alone inside a barn full of moldy cheese.

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