Miss Em

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"Stella he is so awesome." I said excited. We sat at the bonfire hours later from the beach party. "Just be careful with him. Nobody knows him personally." She said softly. "actually I know Dante." James said nudging Stella's shoulder. "Really? Tell Lola about him. He wants to fly her to Italy to cash out on her." Stella said and I laughed shaking my head. "He's a nice man but demands a lot of time and emotional connection. He's always working as something new but I know he's a investor." James gently said holding Stella's hand. "Is he even into bdsm?" Stella asked. "Oh yes." James said nodding. "That scares me." I softly said. "Don't be scared. I never heard any complains about him." James softly said and begun whispering things in Stella's ear. "Yes, I was good." Stella said arching hee back. "How good?" James muttered. "I'm gonna leave." I told Stella standing up. "Alright bye baby. I'm gonna be with James tonight." She said and I nodded. "I'm gonna walk you to your car Lola. It's kinda late." Devon said standing up. "Okay." I softly said. We walked around and he was quiet for a little. "So will you be back with us?" He asked. "I'm not sure." I softly said. "I think you like the idea." He joked. "Kinda." I honestly said. "So you're gonna allow that newbie to be your first." He asked trying to contain his irritation. I stayed quiet as we reached my car. "Okay." I softly said and opened my door. "Drive safe Lola." He said as I got in. "Thank you." I softly said. He closed my door and I watched him walk off.

When I got home I grabbed my phone and had a text. 'Hey sweetie, it's Dante. Do you want to fly with me or it doesn't matter?' I sat on my couch and felt overwhelmed. Then I realized he was writing. I waited for him to send it. 'Of course I would rather you be with me. Text me when you get back so I know you made it.' It said. 'Hi Dante. I'm home thank you. I can fly out with you that's perfectly fine.' I typed and sent. I felt butterflies. It's been awhile since I felt this way and I was actually happy. Happy for something new. Ding. I opened his text. 'Great. I enjoyed our kiss tonight and I find you very gorgeous and fiesta.😘' I giggled at that. Then I got another text. I went back and it was from Stella. 'Daddy James is going to Italy next week as well. I'm gonna fly in with him.' So I'm going to be alone. I went to Dante and begun typing. 'I enjoyed it too. My friend is flying with James I guess.' I sent and smiled. "Talking to a boy?"a voice shocked me I looked up and it was my mom. "Oh. No." I lied. "You know it's okay... to move on." She walking around and sitting next to me. "Mom I don't want to talk about that right now." I simply said. "I'm sorry. I just seen seen a picture of him and it brought back old memories." She said with sadness. "I know mom. We all miss him." I said trying to keep it in. Then a tear ran down my face. "Im sorry Lola." My mom said hugging me. "It's okay." I gently said. She got up and left. Thanks mom, ruining a great night. I sighed and my phone buzzed. I opened it. 'Great. I will book your flight with me and we can go shopping tomorrow?' I smiled again although tears were forming. 'Sounds good. See ya.' I sent and got up and slowly walked to my room.

I woke up the next morning to a voice mail and 3 text. I had 2 text from Stella and the rest was from Dante. 'Hey when ate you suppose to go to Italy?' And 'I'm coming over tonight so we can have movie night.' So I shall see Stella tonight. The message from Dante said 'hello princess.' Okay.... I opened my voice mail and wasn't prepared. 'Hello Lola. I get out of my meeting around 11, I can pick you up or we can meet at the mall. I'm looking forward to seeing you today.' His voice was super sexy. 'I can meet you at the mall.' I sent him. It was 9:30 am.

I was sitting in the parking lot when I heard a tap on my window. I looked over and it was Dante. Oh god. I smiled and and awkwardly opened my door. "Hello Doll." He said as I got out. "Hi Dante." I said and we hugged. He held me and slowly moved down kissing me. I held his face and he rubbed my back. "Ready to shop?" He asked. "Yes!" I said and he held my hand.

"This will be a great dress for the last dinner." Dante said picking up a sexy lacey dress. "Wow. It looks sexy." I said touching the material. He's basically picked out every outfit I will need. "Do you like it?" He asked looking at me. "Yes it's very beautiful." I softly said. "You will need some great lingerie to wear under This." He said taking it off the rack. This is getting really awkward. "I don't own lingerie." I simply said. "We'll get you some." He laughed.

We were at a nice restaurant in the mall and I couldn't keep my eyes off of Dante. He's so hot. Like model hot. Like foreign sexy man hunk hot. Like I will drop everything I got for him hot. Like.. "why are you staring at me like that?" He asked smiling. He has perfect teeth. "You're really good looking." I simply said. "Thanks baby." He said a dimple appeared. Jesus Christ. "Can I order for you?" He asked. "Sure." I said smiling. The waiter came over and I toned him out watching Dante talk to the guy and order. Dante has a small mole right below his eyes. Dante nodded at the guy. The waiter left and Dante looked back at me. "I'm excited for Italy. Thank you for trusting me." He said politely. "No problem I guess. We will be in different rooms right?" I asked. "Yes! The only time we will be in each others rooms is if you want that." He said flicking a eyebrow. "I see." I smiled. "So what is your race Lola?" He asked ad if he had been wondering for awhile. "I'm black and Asian." I softly said. "Wow. Beautiful." He said staring. "What are you?" I asked. "100% Italian. I was actually born and raised in Italy." He said and I was intrigued now. "Wow. That's cool. What are you doing in New York" I asked curious. "I have new work adventures here and I'm kinda doing a change of career." He said with a smile. "Can I know?" I asked. " Lola, I love discretion."he said and winked. "Fair enough." I said shrugging. "You're so cute Lola." He said and I blushed. Maybe I have have a crush on the wrong type of guy.

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