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"He didn't know what hit him." I told Saxton over the phone. "Wow that is so hot. I can't belive you just broke one of the biggest players heart." Je said laughing. "Me neither." I said smiling. I felt bad however. I had feelings for him but he turned me down first. "I want to fly you to dubai again next weekend. Is that okay?" He asked changing the subject. "Yea that will be Perfect." I simply said smiling.

"Hey Agar." I went to him in the morning. He still looked sad. I hugged him and looked up at him. "Are you still sad?" I asked. Then something caught me eyes. Dante was coming down the hall. I looked back at Agar and he was talking but I reached up grabbing the sides of his neck and kissing him. His hands held my waist as I kissed him hard. I slowly backed down down and smiled. "Wow.. When can we do... that again?" He asked insinuating to our three some. "we will do it again soon. Tata hun." I said winking.

I walked into Miss Stephanie's classroom late but she said nothing. "Okay class. Your fellow peer Stella Brady is still in critical condition. They delivered her baby early last night to save both their lives. They're not sure about the baby so have both of them in your prayers." Miss Stephanie said sadly. "Hey.." Agar poked my arm. I turned to look at him. "Miss Stephanie invited me to her house today.. are you gonna be there?" He whispered. "Probably not." I said simply. "Why not?" He asked. "I'm tired." I softly said. "You two are disgusting." A girl snapped at us. "You think Brent wo-" "shut the fuck up!" I yelled standing up. The classroom grew quiet. "All you guys didn't know Brent! Brent was a coward!" I angrily said. I looked around at everyone. Some were confused, some angry and some just surprised. "You think I wanted him to die? I tried to push him to live! He wanted to die! He didn't care. " I said serious. I sighed and took a deep breath. I grabbed my stuff and walked out. But I hit something big. I looked up and it was Dante. ''Not you." I said crying. "Lola.." he grabbed my hands. My books fell. I crumbled and he bent down to me. "What has happened to me?" I cried. My life has gone to complete and utter shit. A year makes a whole difference. 12 months ago I was a focused student with a great boyfriend. I was so in love. "What's wrong?" Dante asked holding my shoulders. I softly sat back against the locker. Dante closed the classroom door and sat next to me. "This has all been a mistake. " I softly said. "What?" He asked gently. "I should have never went with Stella to the party. I should have stayed to myself." I softly said. "Why?" He asked challenging. "Because I became what I never wanted to be.. I been with so many people in this small time frame and I crave sex... A lot." I softly said. "Believe me, I realized you needed sex a lot lately but sex is normal Lola. It's healthy and believe it or not but you're still that innocent girl I met before." He said and chuckled. "Sometimes I like to think that." I said and smiled. "You are baby." He simply said. My heart warmed up. "I'm sorry Dante for yesterday. I just wanted to get back at you.."I sincerely said. "For what? I didn't think I done anything." He said confused. "You kept telling me not to fall in love with you but I was so in love with you, it hurt me very much." I softly said. "I'm sorry Lola. I was being very selfish." He said sighing. I looked over and smiled at him " God, you're so beautiful." He said sighing. "Miss Lang." A voice called. I looked over and Principal Cut was coming down the hall. Dante stood up and helped me up. "I think she's good now sir." Dante told Principal Cut. "Okay. I still have to put you in ISS." He responded. "No." I said serious. "Miss La-" "I said no! You can't do that." I said hinting toward the information I have on him. "Well be at your next period on time." He said catching the message. I nodded and he walked off. Dante motioned me over and I followed him.

"Oh god." I said shaking. I closed my eyes as Dante conquered my body. "I am god baby." He whispered grasping my neck. I giggled smiling. He pulled me a bit down the desk and I moaned as he went fast. "Shh." He laughed kissing me. I wrapped my legs and arms around him loving every second of this.

After school I went up to the hospital to see Stella. I wondered if she was dead. I walked to the room he nurses directed me to and when I walked in... I was surprised. Stella laid in the bed fine, with a baby next to her in a incubator. The baby made it.. "hey." I awkwardly said. "Hey." She said closing her eyes. "the baby.. made it.." I softly said walking to the incubator. "Yea. I don't want him!" She cried. I walked to her bed and took her hand. "What did your mom decide?" I asked. "She said I should keep him and settle down." She said anxious. "Oh Stella. Who's the father?" I asked sadly. "I don't know! I was with a round 5 guys.." she said and I gasped. "That's not what you told me." I said feeling the last shard of hope I had for her gone. "How could I tell you?" She cried. I walked out and cracked my knuckles. Well I guess that was never real.

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