Travel Bud

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The day is here. We haven't seen each other since he took me shopping last week. I had to tell my mom that Stella and I were going on a road trip for 2 weeks. I was meeting Dante at the airport. My phone buzzed as I made it to the terminal. I checked 2 bags in and only had my large purse on me. 'Hello lady. I'm just checking in my bags. Are you at the terminal?' I sat at a seat that had a charger on it and plugged my phone in before texting 'yea I'm at the terminal.. miss you.' It was the truth. I did miss his sexy face. My phone was quiet for a little but then I watched him appear. He came and sat next to me. "You look very beautiful a at 4 in the morning." He chuckled. He only had a duffle bag. "Thanks." I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me "I missed you too." He said and opened his bag. "I got you a gift." He said pulling a box out. "Oh!" I said excited. It's fun having someone rich into me. I opened it and it was a gorgeous necklace. "Those are true rubies." He whispered. "Oh my goodness Dante!" I said smiling. "This will look lovely on you in Italy." He said and kissed my cheek. I smiled and strokes his arm. "I love it. Thank you." I said and put it into my bag. I didn't want to lose it. "I'm excited to show you my country." He said placing his hand on my leg. I smiled and nodded. "So sweet." He said and kissed me. "So since you live here. Will we be at your house?" I asked a little hesitant. "No no. We will be in a hotel... different rooms and different floors." He chuckled. I smiled and felt a little relief but still nervous. I'm leaving the country with a man I met a little over a week ago! Dante pulled out a ipad and begun doing something. "What are you doing?" I asked after he did several ships and taps. "Work. Just getting info together for my meetings this week." He said continuing to work. "Oh." I gently said and sat forward. Dante then pit his hand on my leg. I looked over and he was still deep into his ipad. His hand slowly massaged my leg and I pulled my phone out. I had a message. It was from Stella. 'Hey girly. I will be in Italy tomorrow night through Wednesday. Then me and James are going to London for a few days and we will be back Saturday night in Italy. I think James is staying until that Monday but I will stay with you in Italy the whole time.' I smiled. "Okay love. See you tomorrow night." I sent her. "Are you hungry?" Dante suddenly asked. "A little." I softly said. "Okay what do you want me to get us?" He asked. "I will eat anything." I told him smiling.

Hours later our plane was here. People were getting off. Dante stood up and grabbed mine and his bag. "What are you doing?" I asked grinning. "A man always carries his lady's bag." He said chuckling. I smiled and held his arm as we walked up to the gate. All first class people people were boarding now. We were the fourth people. "I have another surprise too when we get on the plane." He said smiling. "What is it?" I asked. We got to the ladies collecting the ticket. Dante pulled the tickets out and handed it to the lady. We walked in and I was excited. This is also a long flight so I'm nervous. It's only a little over 9 hours but that's still the longest I've ever been on a plane. We got to the door of the plane. "Hello!" The flight attendant ladies said. "Hi." I said. "First class?" The second lady asked. "Yes."Dante said. The lady moved to the side showing stairs. Dante stepped back so I could go first. This is weird. I walked up them and it was so nice once I reached the top! "Hello ma'am." A gorgeous woman said. "Hi." I said. "We're seat 1 and 2 hun." Dante said behind me. We went to two luxurious seat that were closed off and facing each other. Dante put our bags in the storage underneath the seat. "This will be a good flight." He said sitting. I sat at the seat across from him and smiled. "You are so nice." I said smiling. "For you love." He said and winked. I got up and went over and sat on his lap. He closed off our seats and rubbed my legs. "I'm excited for our trip." I said playing with the silver necklace on his chest. "Me too. I hate I will be in meetings for half of the day but our time together will be great." He said and put a hand on the side of my neck. His hand felt soft and smooth. He pulled me down slowly and kissed me gently. I held his face and smiled. "Your body fits so perfectly with mine." He said smiling. It really did. I got up and sat back in my seat. "So what's plan for when we get there?" I asked. "Well it should be like midnight when we get there so sleep." He said and laughed. "Really?" I asked. "Yes. It's 6 hours ahead." He said pulling his Ipad out. Then there was a knock. Dante pressed a button and the cabin opened up. "Can I get you two a drink?" The lady asked. "Uhmm I will just have water. Which wifi is is the plane?" He asked. "it should be the first one that ends with asp. Anything for you dear?" The lady asked turning to me. "Can I have orange juice?" I asked softly. "Yup! I will be right back with those." She said leaving. Dante pulled put some glasses and put them on. He looked so sophisticated and handsome with them. He looked up and smiled softly shaking his head. "Sorry." I said blushing. But I mean, he's so cute. "Don't be. It's cute. What's going through your head?" He asked setting his ipad on his lap. I froze and blushed. "That I'm gonna be with you for 2 weeks and I just met you." I simply said sitting back. "Fair enough. Are you gonna take a nap hun?" He He asked watching me get comfortable. "Nah. I'm just trying to stay comfortable." I said yawning.

After we were in the sky for about an hour we had a knock. I sat up as Dante unlocked the door. It was a flight attendant. "Hello Ms. Would you like to see the cockpit?" She asked I got excited. "Omg yes!" I said jumping up. "Surprise baby. Have fun." Dante said looking up from his screen. "Thanks Dante!" I said hugging him. He kissed my cheek and I followed the flight attendant. She opened some metal doors and I walked in. "Hello!" A middle aged guy said. "Hi." I shyly said. A younger guy next to him turned as well. The flight attendant left and I walked over. "Welcome to the cockpit young lady! Would you like to fly this machine?" The old guy asked enthusiastic. I nodded smiling. The young guy for up and I started in his seat. There were so many buttons and colors.

Hours later I was bad. "Hi." I said and hugged Dante and he kissed my cheek holding my waist. "Have fun?" He asked and I sat down in my seat. "Yes it was so fun thank you!" I said picking up my glass. "I knew you would. I'm glad I could make this ride fun for you. "

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