Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Jonathan's POV:

I scrunched my nose as I smelled something foul. It was like a really strong irony smell. I licked my lips and I coughed tasting some liquid like that had a metal taste to it. I opened my eyes and it was all a blurry haze. I groaned and I rubbed my eyes and then hissed in pain as I got something in it.

Trying to look for something to wipe my eyes blind wasn't the funnest thing I could do right now but I couldn't handle the pain whatever was in it was giving me. I found a towel, I think, and wiped my face. Now that I can see clearly I looked down to see what was in my eyes. I screamed in shock as I saw blood on the towel. I looked down at my hands to see them all bloody. I started to take deep breathes and I heard footsteps run up the stairs.

"Jon are you okay," Luke said as he saw me in my panic state.

"What happened," I said shaking.

"You fully went passed insane when you came back home I have to keep check on you on how many people you killed," he said and I nod.

"I'm pretty sure you wrote in your journal but I would wash up first because you stank," Luke said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whatever I'll see you in a bit," I said taking off my shirt.

"Alright yell if you need me, because I need to feed her breakfast," Luke said and I said okay.

I quickly took of my shirt and I was just left in my underwear. I quickly grabbed a clean towel and threw all my bloody clothes in my basket. I walked to the bathroom and I take off my underwear. I hanged my towel where I can easily grab it when I get out. I get into the shower and I turn the water to warm and I waited for it too heat up. Feeling very stick with the red substance, I hoped the shower would warm up.

Once the water was warm I quickly entering it. I sighed feeling the water wash all off the blood that was on me. I looked down to see the water turn from clear to red in just a second. I stared at it as it went down the drain. The water was soon turning from a deep red to a light pink meaning that the blood was almost gone. I just want to know how did I get that much blood on me.

As I put shampoo in my hand, I tried to think about what had happened last night in order for me to get that much blood on me. I could only remember that I had a blood lust feeling finding about that someone was willing to pay off the ransom for Jessica. I walked out of that door and soon I just blacked out. I scrubbed the shampoo in my hair; closing my eyes not wanting to get the soap in.

These blackouts only happen once a month. It comes at random times as well. I have seen on the news about the deaths of many on one night and they think it could be someone different. I know that it was me, but they are clueless to the thought that the same person who has a three day period, goes on random blackouts and murder a couple of people. I wonder if I had tried to attack Luke but I don't usually read what he writes on the blackouts.

Once I felt that here wasn't any soap in my hair I quickly wipe my eyes to take out the water that was over them. I quickly put some conditioner in my head and said to myself. Real men uses conditioner. I turned the water a bit colder like the cold water to hit me whenever I take out my conditioner. I quickly take off my conditioner and I turn off the water. I sighed happily as I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me.

I get out of the bathroom and to my room where I pulled out a drawer to get my underwear. I noticed that my blood soaked bed and clothes were now gone. Probably Luke came in here to take them to wash. I really would be lost without him. I quickly put on my underwear and I go to my closet to take out some black jeans, a white shirt, and one of several blue sweaters I own. I quickly put them on feeling comfort in clean clothes.

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