Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

~1 Month Later~

Delirious POV:

I've been running around the streets trying to not get detected. Ever since Brian went to power a month ago everything has been hell. Killing off the mayor of the city and taking control of Los Santos was just the beginning. He then outed me as the most wanted person out there. I don't get why he let me go in order just to have me captured. I haven't seen Jonathan since we've been separated and I wonder what he's been doing.

When I was dropped out into the alley way I immediately went to go find Luke. It wasn't hard to track him down as I managed to keep the powers that was given to Jonathan. Luke told me he was with Marcel when he suddenly went crazy on them. Lui was in a coma because of the blast which led David devastated. I went to see if Chilled had been released but seeing how torn the Mickey Mouse Club hideout had been I knew I was too late.

But I wasn't the only person who became Brian's most wanted. Evan, Tyler, Luke, Minx, Lui, David, what's left of the Mickey Mouse Gang, and Ohm. I'm glad that he didn't want Arlan but knowing Brian he'll more likely be added for hiding me which is why I've only talk to him if we ever come across. I don't want him to get in trouble because of me. I feel bad for Aaron I knew how much Adam meant to him and finding him dead must have been heart breaking.

When I saw Adam's body a part of me felt remorseful and yet another part felt satisfied. I haven't really killed anyone since I killed Sydney. I really didn't want to leave a trail of dead bodies behind me. His neck was completely bruised and his throat slit. It smelled a bit because he's been laying there for a couple of hours before anyone had found out. His body was lifeless and felt cold to the touch.

I was resting in an alleyway when I heard a sudden noise. My hand went to the machete I was given by Arlan and I stood in a protective stance. I smirked when I saw it was a couple of Luke's old lackeys. Ever since he was called out as a most wanted there was a heavy reward placed on him by Brian. He placed rewards on every one of the most wanted and knowing how greedy this city could be everyone turned against each other.

"Well if it isn't Delirious being all high and mighty with his mask," the big one said and I chuckled.

"Yeah because I don't want your blood on my face after I kill you," I said in return taking out my machete.

"Haven't you heard don't bring a knife to a gun fight," another lackey said and I shrugged.

"True but that's only if you can hit me," I said quickly turning into a raccoon and hiding in the shadows.

They immediately started to shoot everywhere. Fucking idiots, don't they realize that they're wasting ammo. I waited until they stopped shooting and started to check to see if they had found a body. I quickly made my way to the lackey in the back. I turned back to normal and grabbed him. All he could do was garble as I slit his throat with the sharp blade.

I made quick movement to the last two lackeys finishing them off with a quick swipe. Boy did that feel good. I then took off the mask I had found a while back. I decided since I look like Jonathan I might as well change my appearance to his GTA character. I found a torn cloth near a dumpster and I wiped away the blood from the mask. It was a little stained from all the people I had to.... fight off.

"I can't live like this anymore," I said getting tired of running away.

I just want to go to Brian's base and fucking tear it apart, but what can I do. He's threatening me with Jonathan and I can't do nothing about it. If only I could have a fucking team to go with me as I attack the base. Then I can sneak by and free Jonathan. Then I can live my life knowing he's safe and out of harms way. I guess I should start out by looking for Evan. I was about to move out when I felt somebody grab me from behind.

"Don't fucking move bitch," a voice I haven't heard in three months say and I smiled.

"Tyler how long has it been," I said as he tightened his grip on me.

"Shut the fuck were going to see Evan," Tyler said dragging and I could feel my grin getting wider.

I let Tyler handcuff me and drag me towards the destination. This is only getting better for me. Of course I had to get roughen up a bit but it doesn't matter. I can heal over time without the aid of medical. Of course it hurts but I guess it has it ups to it. After what feels like an hour we entered some sort of building. There was several computers set up that had data on each of them. I guess they have been busy.

"Evan I got bitch boy," Tyler said as he made me sit down in a chair.

"Is this how you treat guest normally," I said jokingly which earned a glare from Tyler.

"Jonathan," Evan said and I laid back as the best I could.

"You haven't heard the news? I was split from Jonathan. I'm Delirious, the killer inside of him," I said and he raised his eyebrow.

"Then where is Jonathan," Evan asked and I sighed.

I can't believe I'm going to do this.

"That's what I need your help on," I said making Tyler laugh.

"You needing help that's too good," Tyler said and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yes the evil Terroriser or should I say your old friend Brian has taken Jonathan hostage," I said making their eyes widen.

"That's impossible he moved," Evan said.

"ThTs what he wanted you to believe but in reality he was in hiding until it was time to complete the prophecy he was given," I said and was punched by Tyler on the stomach.

"Brian wouldn't do that to us we were his friends," Tyler yelled and I coughed up blood.

"Yeah but power corrupts one mind and his was corrupted a long time ago," I said.

"And why should we help you. You've terrorized this city for 10 years. You killed my girlfriend," Evan said angrily.

"You fucked with Jonathan so you fucked with me. I wasn't going to let you fuck over Jonathan's feelings because you decided to date some bitch instead of him," I answered truthfully which Evan attacked me.

"Remember who's prisoner you are," Evan seethed as I was pinned under him.

"Listen I'd save Jonathan myself if Brian didn't realize I was coming. Jonathan is my kryptonite. If he dies I die alright," I said.

"I'll help you," Tyler said and making mine and Evan's eyes widen.

"But on one condition... you help me get Craig back," Tyler said.

"Deal," I said.

"You can get your revenge later right now it's our fucking duty to liberate this city," Tyler said to Evan.

"Alright but once this is over we're going to end it," Evan said and as he got off of me.

I broke free from the chains getting eyes widen from the two knuckle heads.

"You could have escaped the whole time," Tyler said and I nod my head.

"Duh I don't care if I left my hands all bruised it heals anyways," I said.

"So what's the first step," Evan asked and I smiled.

"We build a team."

I'm sad to say that his book will be ending in 7 chapters. It's really crazy how I've had this whole thing planned out since I've written Brock's Backstory. I'm still shocked a whole bunch of people still love this story.

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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