Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

It was a cold Christmas Eve in Los Santos, it was snowing outside and you could see nothing but the snow falling down. There was a little seven-year-old kid looking out the window watching as the snow falling. He watched as it slowly started to form on the ground. He was so distracted that he didn't even hear his mother come in.

"Hey Lui what are you doing," his mom asked and Lui turned towards her.

"I'm watching the snow fall mama," Lui said making her smile softly.

"Come here to me Lui," she said softly and Lui got up.

He ran towards her open arms as she held them out. Lui jumps to her and she returns it with a warm hug. She then promptly picks him up and place a kiss on his nose making him giggle. She then takes him to the window so he could watch the snow fall.

"Do you think daddy is gonna come home his year," Lui said making her grip on him tighten.

"Maybe Lui.... maybe let's go to bed or else Santa won't give you presents," she said making him giggle.

"Alright Mama," he said and she smiles.

"Now let's get you ready," she said and lead him to the bathroom.

She watched as Lui got on top of stool and started to brush his teeth. She smiled softly as Lui was humming to a lullaby that she sang for him before he went to sleep.

"I did it mama," Lui said and she laughs.

"Alright let's get you to bed mister," she said led Lui to his room.

"Will you sing me the lullaby," Lui said as he got comfortable in the bed.

"Alright my little man," she said she sat next him.

"Lay your head, down to bed
Let your slumber sweep your cares away
In your dreams, chase moonbeams
All the way across the milky way
And as you rest in the nest
That we've made for you
We'll caress and keep you blessed
Never alone for the whole night through
Go to sleep, don't your weep
Tomorrow's gonna be
Tomorrow's gonna be
Tomorrow's gonna be a brand-new day
And as you rest in the nest
That we've made for you
We'll caress and keep you blessed
Never alone for the whole night through
Go to sleep, don't you weep
Tomorrow's gonna be
Tomorrow's gonna be
Tomorrow's gonna be a brand-new day," She sang and when she finished Lui was fast asleep.

She kissed his forehead and then turned off the lights. It wasn't until sometime in the middle of the night Lui woke to the sound of something moving in his bedroom. He rubbed his eyes and went to go look for the lamp that was on the side of his bed. When he turned on and rubbed his eyes once again to get used to the light. When he finally could clearly see, he stared at a man who was standing in his room.

Lui stared at the man and the man stared back. Lui looked over to the left to where the door was and then stared back at the man. The man saw this and made a break for it. Lui took this chance to run too but was slower than the man. The man closed the door and locked it. Lui stared up scared at the much larger man. He made his way back to the bed and huddled in the blankets.

"Fuck fuck fuck I thought Shaun said this house would be empty," the man cursed as he paced the room.

"Please don't hurt my mommy," Lui squeaked out in fear.

"Shut the fuck up I'm trying to think here," the man hissed making Lui shake in fear.

"Lui baby is everything alright," Lui's mom called out and the man held a gun to Lui's head.

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