Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Delirious POV:

"Alright who should we ask to join us," Tyler said as we sat around a circular table.

"Well I was pretty much thinking about asking everyone who's on the most wanted list," I said.

"So Cartoonz, Minx, Ohm, David, Lui, and what's left of the Mickey Mouse Gang," Tyler said and I nod my head.

"Well there's a problem still how the hell are we going to convince everyone," Evan said.

"Luke will be easily convinced since he'll probably want to rescue Jonathan. Ohm will be as well as I discovered that his lover Bryce was also kidnapped. We can use Ohm to convince Minx, Lui and David will probably want Marcel back and leave the Mickey Mouse Gang to me," I said.

"Okay how about me and Tyler convince Lui and David while you get everyone else. It would seem that you know all villains out there," Evan said and I tolled my eyes.

"Whatever let's just get them back here and we'll discuss everything from them on," I said.

"Later bitch," Tyler said as he and Evan left the area.

I can't wait to fucking leave this place. I just have to deal with those dumbasses for right now. I walked out and made my way to the location Luke had told me a couple of days ago. I haven't really seen Luke since I was let go. I just get random pieces of paper from pigeons every once in a while. He's a fucking nerd for using carrier pigeons as a way to communicate.

"Yo Luke," I said once I found the place.

The whole place was completely baron. There were no signs that somebody had even been there. I was confused if I had the right spot but I noticed that the wall to the right of me looked a little funny. I touched a part of the wall and it felt colder than the rest. I knocked on it which resulted in a loud clang. I looked through my pocket for the last message I had received from him which read.

"I created a bunker just like our old house. I hope you can remember how to get in."

Feeing around the right side of the wall, the door said access granted and opened right in front of me. The feeling of déjà vu hit me as I walked down the steps. The sounds of talking stopped as I got closer to the bottom. I was greeted by a huge smile when Luke realized I wasn't somebody bad. But was surprised me was that Minx and Ohm were there with him.

"What is this," I asked as they sat around a table.

"Just hiding mostly. You finally decided to come hide with me," Luke said and I crossed my arms.

"I'd track more attention to you if I did," I reasoned.

"Then why are you here," Minx said in her posh accent.

The British have the best fucking accent, next to Brazilians.

"I need all of your help," I said bluntly.

"Why what use can we be to a used to be super hero," Ohm said.

"That was Jonathan not me get your facts straight bitch," I said catching him off guard.

"Get straight to the point," Luke said.

"I'm tired of running. So I'm gathering a team willing to help me take down T once and for all," I said.

"And why should we help you," Minx said.

"Well for Luke and Ohm, we can get back Jonathan and Bryce," I said.

"Really," Ohm said excitedly like a happy puppy.

"And for you Minx we can reinstate your regime once again," I said.

"I'll agree but only to help Ohm get Bryce back. Once this is over we all plan on moving away from this toxicity that we call Los Santos," she said and Ohm smiled at her.

"Do you only have us or are there more," Luke asked.

"Evan and Tyler went to get David and Lui. They're probably at the base now," I said handing him a piece of paper of where the base was.

"Who else do you plan on getting," Luke asked as I walked away.

"Slam and what's left of the Mickey Mouse Gang," I said out loud as I left the basement.

Finding Slam didn't take that long as I used his scent to find him. The only problem was that he had guards surrounding the area. I walked up to the front doors of the bar with my hands up in the air. They soon started to speak through there walkie-talkies asking Slam if they would let me in. They gave me a nod and I entered the bar.

"What brings you here," Slam asked as he sat at the biggest table.

There was several shot glasses and bottles of beer on the table. The thing was he didn't look drunk at all which amazed me. I couldn't even hold a shot glass without getting tipsy.

"I need your help," I said and he glared at me.

"Why should I help you. You fucking took Adam away from me when you knew I liked him," Slam hissed breaking a beer bottle; if I didn't have the mask on he probably would have cut my face.

"I know and I apologize. I shouldn't even be asking you this and yet here I am," I said and he leans back.

"What do you need help anyways," he asked.

"I need help on taking T down," I said and he laughs.

"That's nearly impossible. He has an army under his finger tips," he said taking another shot.

"But with your help and influence we can fight back," I said.

"What do I get out of it if I do say help you," Slam said using quotation marks on help you.

"You can get revenge on Chilled," I said making Slam scoff.

"I already did. I found his old little group and I slowly killed each and everyone of them... especially Steven. I took my time with him," Slam said.

"But you can get revenge for Adam. Kill the murderer who took the love of your life away," I said and he suddenly pulled a pistol to my forehead.

"And why shouldn't I blow your head off for taking Adam away from me," Slam said as I remained still.

"Nothing really," I said as I wait for him to pull the trigger.

"I can't believe I'm doing this but fine. Where do I go to meet up," he said as I quickly wrote down the bases location.

"Meet me there in an hour," I said getting up from the chair.

"I hope you do know what you're doing," Slam called out.

"Believe me I do."

Oh my this is going to be interesting isn't ;). Do you think Brian knows what's going on? I'm getting excited just thinking about it and I know what's going to happen XD

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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