Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

"Oh Zachary I can't wait until Brian is born," Melissa said as she rubbed her stomach.

"Me either he's going to be a powerful man just like his father," Zachary as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Oh he's going to be more than that," an old woman said as they passed by her.

"What do you mean," Melissa asked curiosity getting the best of her.

"Do you really want to find out," the woman said as she entered her shop.

"I think we should go," Zachary said as he tried to lead his wife away from the shop.

"But don't you want to know what plans Brian's going to have for his future," she said and he faltered.

"I don't know," Zachary said and she just lead him inside.

"What a strong boy Brian will become," the old woman said as she sat behind a crystal ball.

Zachary and Melissa sat down across from her and listened closely.

"I'm sorry to say Melissa but you don't live when you give childbirth," she said making her gasp.

"As if you would know," Zach said scoffing at her.

"But you will because once this comes to pass you will have a strong belief in the prophecy," she said and the mystic ball was clouded.

"You Zachary will be very successful in the war future. You will own a strong company and you'll do unspeakable things in order to keep your power," she said and then all showed Zachary watching over child prostitutes.

Melissa gasped and Zachary rolled his eyes. He knew the city was bad but he didn't expect to get corrupted by it.

"When Brian is two he will meet someone who will further his future. A little shy boy named Brock and the two will become fast friends. You'll want them to be close until the time comes," she said showing what looked to be two kids playing with each other.

"You will tell Brian of his fate when he's five and he'll believe you. When Brian is 6 he will see the next person that's going to be a part of his plan. He is a black child named Marcel who's going to be a part of your program," she said showing a picture of Brian and Brock looking out the window to see Marcel.

"At this age you will give a toxin to a man named Alex. You will then fire him and make him feel like he's the worst person ever. It's going to affect a chosen by the name Jonathan and his job in the future will get rid of competition he may have," she said showing a boy who was presumedly Jonathan hiding in fear.

"You will continue to homeschool Brian until Brock reaches the sixth grade. That's when he will attend school and meet a boy named Evan. Evan doesn't have a big part in his plan other than reunite the chosen needed for the big plan," she said showing Brian meeting Evan.

"At the age of 15 Brian now has an assistant named Alice who is 13. She has telekinesis power and she'll be hidden and ready to serve Brian. He will also take the name Terroriser but with the nickname of T," she said showing Brian with a girl.

"Around the age of 17 he will meet a man named Adam who has fallen in love with the next chosen named Anthony. He will provide him a mind control liquid filled with dormant nanobots. And when the time is right he'll activate them," she said showing the interaction of Adam and Brian and the mind control process of Anthony.

"He finally gets introduced to Jonathan but at this point Jonathan is the killer De Killer and Brian is unconsciously telling Jonathan who to kill. At the end of his senior year you will pretend to move so that no one has suspected the plan," she said showing the move.

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