Chapter 47

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Wrote this while I was camping enjoy ;)

Chapter 47

De Killer's POV:

What the actual fuck. I decided to take over for Jonathan when we were back at the base. I just needed time to think; to punch something in real life. Maybe take it out on the bitch in the basement. There are many stupid things I would do but nothing that would blow our cover. I didn't write the note. I would never leave a note that's so blatantly obvious that it was me who took her.

She would just be considered missing and never to be found; until I got caught. Whoever wrote that fucking note must know who and what we are. I just want to fucking stab something at this point. And Evan droning on about whats going to happen in the future is really killing my buzz.

"How's Marcel," Tyler asked and I paid attention to this.

The deep feeling Jonathan has for him is strong and makes me want to protect him as well. I also looked through their memories together which but don't quote me on this is fucking adorable.

"Marcel's condition is stable. I'm still trying to figure out what the green liquid is so I'm taking some blood test right now," Craig said.

"Do you know when he'll wake up," I asked sounding like Jonathan.

"I don't know maybe tomorrow or the next day who knows. I still need to study the liquid," Craig said and I nod my head.

"I'm going to go and see him," I said and everyone nodded their head.

When I walked away I heard them talking about a way to find Brock. I entered the infirmary and saw Lui holding Marcel's non-responsive hand. I stood next to him and I looked down at Marcel's peaceful face. It was quiet between me and Lui which I enjoyed thoroughly.

"I know you aren't Jonathan," Lui whispered out making my eyes widen.

"Why do you say that," I said trying to sound like Jonathan.

"Because you're much colder than him. When you told me to go with Marcel you were cold and Jonathan's always warm," Lui said and I stayed silent.

"I don't know who you are but please don't do anything stupid," Lui said.

"You know it's already to late," I said not really knowing how to respond.

Lui stayed quiet and I took that time to leave. Everything that could ever go wrong went wrong today. That's so fucking stupid. I tried so hard keeping my damn secret and here comes a fucking note that I didn't even write ruin 10 years of hard fucking work... I could feel Jonathan inside deeply sad about everything that's happening.

"I'll see you guys later," I said.

"Where the fuck are you going," Evan said and I could feel myself get angry.

"Home I need to spend time with the people I love," I said.

"You don't love us I'm hurt," Craig said making me chuckle.

"I just need some time to think about everything that happened today. Worrying about it now will only make finding Brock a lot longer than it has to be," I said.

"Alright but be here tomorrow," Evan said and I nod my head.

I waved everyone else goodbye, Tyler too deep in his thoughts to talk while David made his way to the infirmary. I entered the teleporter and found myself in the room. I walked down the stairs not surprised that they weren't home. Probably made their way to make some deals as Minx had done whatever she was doing.

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