Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"Sorry Mrs. Thompson but Craig here needs glasses," the optometrist said as he had finished examining his eyes.

"Alright then I'll just let him pick out his lenses then," she said solemnly as she looked back at her son.

"Dad look he has 4 eyes like Mr. Fischbach," Craig, who was nine years old, said as he pointing to a man with glasses.

"Now Craig that could be you one day," his dad said making Craig stick out his tongue.

"Ewwww no than I'll be like 4 Eyed Jerry," Craig said distastefully.

"Craig Thompson we are not bullies," his dad said making Craig frown

"Alright Craig the doctor said you need glasses to see," his mom said making Craig's eyes widen.

"No he's lying I don't need glasses I can see perfectly," Craig said making his mother put her hands on her hips.

"Alright Mr Bigshot what does that sign say over there," she said to a sign that said Buy One Get One Free.

"Uhhhhhhh," was all that Craig said and his mother shook his head.

"That's what I thought. Just come over here and pick a style who knows you might look cool," she said as she lightly pushed Craig to the lenses.

"If you say so," Craig mumbled as he choose black lenses.

"Look sweetie your glasses came in," Craig's mom said making Craig pale slightly.

"Oh they did," Craig said nervously as she handed him the case.

"Take care of your glasses alright. I want to see you in your glasses when I drop you off and when I pick you up alright," she said.

"Alright mom," Craig said now dreading his new life with glasses.

"Bye Craig I love you so much," his mom told him as she dropped him off at school.

"I love you too Mom," Craig said scanning the area incase of anyone he knew was there.

Once he got in school, he took off his glasses and placed them in his case. He did this everyday even though his sight had started to worsen without wearing them. A year of keeping them hidden, he thought he hid them well except the school Bully Chris, he saw as Craig exited his car with glasses and smirked when he saw him take them off.

"Well well well isn't good old Craig,"
Chris said during lunch time as Craig sat alone.

"What do you want Chris," Craig said a little nervous about why Chris was coming to him.

"I was waiting outside at the front waiting for the crew to come when I saw you getting here," Chris said making Craig's eyes widen.

The cafeteria had gotten quiet much to Craig's dismay. Everyone was curious as to what Chris had saw. Craig could feel his heart beat very fast as he stared at the smirk that belonged to Chris.

"I didn't know you wore glasses 4 Eyes," Chris said when he knew everyone was listening.

If Craig was standing he probably would have dropped his tray of food on the floor, but all he did was stare at Chris with pure fear in his eyes.

"No I don't," Craig squeaked out making everyone laugh.

"Come on 4 eyes were are your other two eyes in your backpack," Chris said as one of his friends brought him Craig's backpack.

"What are you doing," Craig asked as Chris opened his backpack.

Chris then turned the back pack upside down; dumping out the contents that had laid inside. Craig made a move to get his things but two of the bullies came around him and held him still. Craig could only watch as Chris and his best friend Alex looked through his stuff.

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