Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Jonathan's POV:

"ANTHONY," I screamed out as I watched his lifeless body collapse in my arms.

I quickly lay him down on the floor and I check to see where he was shot. It was at the side of head which probably killed him instantly.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO," I screamed out as I was covered with his blood.

"GOD ANTHONY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME," I said trying to stop the blood.

But I knew there was nothing that could be done. He was shot in the side of the head there's nothing anyone could have done. I held him in my arms and I cried. I haven't cried in a long time. I could feel the anger boil inside of me, but that's probably Delirious. I looked up to see if I could find the person who did it. But that's when I saw it.

A man was standing on top of Cockatoos with a rifle in his arms. He was looking scoped towards me and I held my breath. He dropped the gun and the contents in my stomach nearly came out. On the other side of the building was Gassy as he held the rifle that killed Anthony in his hands. I held my breath as he placed the rifle back in his case.... I saw red.

I yelled out in anger and quickly placed Anthony on the floor. I ran back and then forward to jump straight onto the building. To get more speed I turned into a raccoon and landed on the building. I turned back into human and I saw the scared look on his face as he slowly backed away from he. He better fucking run. I ran to him pinning him down to the floor before he did.

"WHY DID YOU KILL ANTHONY," I yelled out in pain and anger as I punched him in the face.

Gassy couldn't respond as I just continued to punch him; scratch him. I just wanted him dead. My screams and cries was the only thing I heard as I continued my onslaught on the man under me. I heard a door open and then the rush of footsteps towards us. I felt arms pull me away from the slightly unconscious man. I struggled reaching out my arms towards the man.

"LET ME GO FUCKING I NEED TO KILL HIM," I said and I could feel the arms loosen on me.

But they tighten them back and I was turned to face Luke. I could see Marcel looking a bit scared and then Arlan moving over towards Gassy. That fucking lucky bitch.

"Jonathan what the fuck," Luke said and I glared at him making him flinch.

"LET ME GO," I yelled continuing my struggle.

"What did Gassy fucking do," Luke asked me and I stopped.

I wanted to say something but all that came out was a chocked sob. I cried in his arms and I felt my legs give out on me. Luke slowly eased me onto my knees and I placed my hands in front of my face. The clear image of Anthony's dead body lingers in front of me. Nothing but love and passion on his face as he was taken from me.

"Cub what's wrong," Marcel said finally talking.

I looked over to the building where I can perfectly see Anthony. If I didn't have an amazing vision because of the potion you could probably see the outline of his body but not the actual bloody mess that I had witness. Marcel looked towards I was looking and gasped at the sight. He had good vision too. Luke looked over and squinted to see what was over there.

"Bro what happened where's Anthony," Luke said and suddenly I was fueled with rage.

The next thing I knew I was on top of Gassy.


He hissed in pain and I was dragged away from him once again.

"LET ME GO I HAVE TO AVENGE ANTHONY," I cried out as my arms were pinned by the hug.

"What the fuck did you do to Anthony," Arlan told him seriously and he coughed out blood.

"You don't understand what's happening here," Gassy said slowly smiling at me.

I want to kill him.

"What the fuck are you talking about," Luke said.

"I'm just a pawn to something bigger that's happening here. My death is nothing to the bigger plan but Anthony was," Gassy said.

"WHO HIRED YOU," I yelled and he smirks.

"All for the prophecy."


Luke had a gun in his and the smoke from the gun could be seen. I watched as his lifeless body had a smirk on his face as a gunshot was presented in the middle of his forehead. I stared down at his sad pathetic body and I could feel the eyes of everyone. I should have killed him.... it should have been me. I ran back to where Anthony was and picked him up in my arms.

I turned back to see the others stare at me. I can't leave Anthony like this. With one destination in my mind; I held onto Anthony as I ran towards the one place we met. I saw what had remain of the house. They started to clean up some of the debris that remained but most of the house was still there. The memories still linger but I tightened my grip on Anthony and walked towards the backyard.

I laid Anthony on the floor and quickly made a hole so I can bury him in. Once it was a decent size I got out and placed Anthony in. I wish I could properly give him a burial but knowing this stupid government they'd burn up his body and throw away his ashes. I took off my shirt from under my sweater and I cleaned off the extra blood. I placed his hands over his chest and I kissed him one last goodbye.

I buried him ignoring the tears that stung my eyes as I did so. Once I finished I was on my knees softly touching his grave. I wish I had a grave stone to mark where he was buried. I let the tears flow from my eyes and felt them run down my cheek.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to avenge you," I said touching the dirt.

I got up and then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I hissed reaching towards it and I pulled out what looked like a dart. I suddenly felt week and I tried turning into an animal but my body wasn't working with me anymore. I collapsed to the floor lying on top of Anthony's grave. I saw a person walk towards me and then he picked me up. The last thing I saw was Anthony's grave slowly disappearing out of sight.

Welp ha

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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