Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

The room was deathly quiet. On the right side of the table had villains while the left side had what remained of the heroes of Los Santos. Tyler was glaring at everyone across from the table; not really wanting to trust villains to cover him. Lui was leaning on David still weak from the coma Marcel had put him in. David rubbed Lui also looking very exhausted. Luke leaned back in his chair as he watched Evan who was glaring at him.

Ohm sat stiffly in his chair while Minx looked completely bored staring at her fingernails. Slam sat next to a newer recruit Juicetra who was fidgeting in his seat staring down at the table; not really knowing where he should keep his sight on. Delirious sat at the head of the table looking at the team he had gotten. It's not really the best team but it's what he could deal with.

"What's the plan I'm bored," Minx said finally breaking the silence.

"Then why are you here bitch," Tyler said in response as she stuck his tongue out at him.

"No she's right we've only been here for a couple of minutes just sitting around letting the tension brew," Delirious said.

"Who made you in charge," Tyler said.

"It doesn't matter who's in fucking charge. We are all here to fight for our freedoms and the some for the freedoms of others," Delirious snapped at Tyler making him shut up.

"There is several lines of defenses. The first being his devoted lackeys," Delirious said pointing at the bottom of a building map.

"Juicetra and my men will handle that situation," Slam said placing blacking a small rock on the bottom.

"He will have 5 people protecting them. That being Bryce, Chilled, Craig, Marcel, and Jonathan," Delirious said placing 5 random pieces on the board.

"I'll take Chilled," Slam said immediately.

"I'll handle Craig," Tyler then said.

"Me and Minx will take Bryce," Ohm said.

"Me and Lui can handle Marcel," David said hugging Lui closely.

"And if it comes down to it I'll handle Jonathan," Luke said.

"Then me and Evan will face off Brian on our own," Delirious said and Evan nod his head.

"We'll head out tomorrow night. For now everyone should rest," Delirious said and Minx got up.

"We could have just done that like 10 minutes ago instead of wasting our time glaring at each other," Minx said as she walked away from the table to the fridge.

David and Lui moved over to the couch their position not changing much from when they were sitting on the chairs. David was rubbing Lui's head as Lui clenched onto David's shirt.

"Don't worry Lui we'll get Marcel back," David said making Lui shake.

"Will he go back to normal...," Lui whispered out the first time he's talked since he was put in the coma.

"I swear to god Lui I'll do anything to make him the way he used to be," David said feeling tears run down his face.

Tyler had found his way to the bathroom and was looking at himself in the mirror. There was bags under his eyes from all the sleepless nights he's had since Craig had been controlled. He was losing himself to the person he was before he had met Craig. A fat ass pig who ate everything that was on a plate. What he saw was a fat man was in reality a skinny man with his ribs showing if he wasn't wearing a shirt.

Luke followed Delirious to the roof and sat next to him as they watched the night sky. Of course Luke still had feelings for the younger man but he knew that they wouldn't be the same as before. So he just accepted that he would watch over Jonathan as an older brother. Delirious didn't say anything appreciating Luke for keeping the silence. The only thing in his mind was if Jonathan was okay.

"Good evening Jonathan," Brian said as he walked towards him.

Jonathan sat on the bed looking blankly ahead. This was a daily routine Brian was doing. After a long day of tests and failed brainwashing; Brian would always come in to see if he had broken or not. But Jonathan wouldn't break. He had to be strong for everyone and letting Brian break him would make his life miserable.

"I don't get why you won't give in. Life would be so much better for you if ya did," Brian said sitting next to him.

"Because then you'll win if I do," Jonathan said as he continued to stare in front of him.

"I'm still trying to figure out why are the nanobots aren't controlling you," Brian said.

"Maybe because you need the both of us instead just infecting me," Jonathan said.

"You may be onto something. I'll try to see if I can find the location of Delirious and infect him as well," Brian said as he left the room.

Jonathan just continued to look forward, the sounds of silence bringing comfort to him. The door opened again and in came Marcel. He looked at Jonathan with slight pity and worry.

"You know this would stop if you would just give in," Marcel said and Jonathan didn't say anything.

"It isn't so bad working for Brian; Jonathan," Marcel said.

"He's not as body as Evan and allows us to be who we are," Marcel said.

"Come on... Cub please," Marcel said sitting down next to Jonathan.

"But it's not the same Mar Mar," Jonathan whispered catching Marcel off guard.

"What do you mean," Marcel asked as Jonathan turned to him.

Marcel wanted to gasp at how pale Jonathan's eyes had gotten. Seeing Jonathan like this broke Marcel's heart a bit. Marcel knew from a very young age that he had fallen in love with his long time friend. He didn't know when or how but he knew that the feelings were there.

"Because you're trapped and I can't do anything to stop it," Jonathan answered as tears roll down his cheeks.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT," Brian cursed out loud as he punched the wall making a hole.

"What's wrong Brian," Brock said as he checked his fist.

"Just realizing that I made a mistake," Brian said as he watched small cuts on his fist start bleeding.

"But the prophecy said that you would rule until you died," Brock said as he called for medical attention.

"It's not about the prophecy it's about letting Delirious go..," Brian said as medical team bandaged his wound.

"But the prophecy said to let him go... why does bringing him back fix anything," Brock said and Brian was getting frustrated.

"I'll handle this okay Brock. Just check up on everything else alright," Brian said walking away from a frowning Brock.

"You should have listened to the prophecy," a voice in Brian's head said making him stop walking.

"Shut up," Brian growled out recognizing the voice as to be his late father.

"The prophecy said to kill the chosens for infinite power," he continued on going.

"Shut up," Brian said getting weird looks from people around him.

"This wouldn't have happen-"

"I FUCKING KNOW GODAMN IT," Brian yelled out making people walk away from him faster.

"BUT YOU DONT CONTROL MY LIFE ANYMORE GOD DAMN IT," Brian continued to yell as he got on his knees.

"I AM MAKING MY OWN DESTINY SO GOD FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE," Brian yelled out covering his ears with his hands.

But no matter how hard he tried to plug his ears; his fathers voice could always be heard. Telling him everything he had done wrong and what he should have done.

The next chapter is Jonathan's Backstory :333333 it might take longer to update because I have a whole list on what needs to go inside. So if I do have it done by tomorrow I will update it but if it hopefully you'll like the chapter after the wait.

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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