Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Batcoon's POV:

Going through teleporters are fun. I got out of the teleporter and walked to the meeting room. It's not a very long walk but I like to take my time. I could hear the guys talking from the inside as they were very loud. It makes me happy that we didn't put our base in the middle of the city because we would have been discovered a long time ago.

"Glad you can finally make it Delirious," Evan said and I frowned a bit when he used my nickname.

"Yeah I came here as soon as I got your message," I said as I took my seat next to Brock.

"Alllll right so Nogla and Lui are excluded from this mission because Nogla isn't completely healed and Lui will be our cover in base," Evan said and everyone agreed with the notion.

"Okay so what is this whole thing about," Tyler asked who had a lollipop in his mouth.

"Alright Mini has been keeping track of the cameras that we had placed at Minx's mansion and discovered something interesting," Evan said pointing to Craig.

"Right I heard about cameras being placed and I wanted to see if they still worked and luckily they do," Craig said typing away at his computer.

"So I was switching cameras and I heard Minx and someone else talking. It sounded like Ohm but I wasn't to sure listen," he said playing the audio.

"What's the next move since now two of your competition is out," Ohm said as you could hear footsteps walking.

"Well I actually have something to do," Minx said as the walking stopped.

"You're not really going to be doing what T asks of you are you," Ohm said which raised the question..

Who is T?

"Of course Ohm I made a deal with him. He was going to hurt Krism if I didn't comply," she said.

"But you already completed the deal. You got Taxman to drink the potion he made what more did he ask," Ohm said and I stared at Craig sadly.

"It's Krism life I agreed to do whatever he asks me..." she said trailing off the end.

"So what did he ask," Ohm said and she stays quiet.

"This might be the last time I may need you to work for me," she said.

"What are you saying," Ohm responded.

"I'm giving you the rest of the money you need to leave this town. Something's bad is going to happen and I don't want a part of it," she said messing around with things on her desk.

"But Minx," Ohm said but stayed quiet.

"I think you need to get an exterminator," Ohm said and his footsteps got louder.

"Why," she asked.

"Because you may have bugs," he said and the video ended there shortly after.

"Do you know the drink they gave you Mini," Evan asked seriously and he fiercely  shook his head.

"No she just said that it would make me a real super hero and made me drink it," Craig said stuttering about feeling the attention on him.

"Evan can't your mom make him an antidote or something," Tyler yelled.

"What no I don't want an antidote I don't need on I'm perfectly fine," Craig said.

"I'll ask my mom about it so from this day and forth you won't be able to go on missions," Evan said making Craig slam his computer down.

"This is fucking outrageous. I finally get super powers and you want me to fucking sit in the sidelines and not do anything again like before. You want to get rid of the thing that finally makes me unique," Craig said with tears rolling down his face.

"Craig," Tyler said sympathetically but Craig glared at him.

"Don't you fucking start. How dare you. You wanted me to go out more and yet you want me to lose my powers," Craig said more like yelled.

"Mini this is for your safety we don't know the side effects of the concoction," Evan said now him making me slightly pissed off.

"You know what fucking fine I'll listen but don't you fucking dare speak to me again," Craig said getting up and walking to the door.

"They were right.... I should have ended it," Craig said and he ran out the room.

"Craig wait," Tyler said but Evan slammed his fist on the table.

"I didn't say this meeting was adjourned Wildcat," Evan said and Tyler glared at him.

"But he needs me," Tyler said making Evan glare at him in return.

"But I didn't say this meeting adjourned so sit your ass down," Evan seethed and Tyler sat glaring at the table.

"Alright we got intel that Minx was planning an attack in three different places. One at the pier, one in the city, and one in a warehouse," Evan said showing three locations.

"Since there are only five of us; one of us will be by themselves," Evan said.

"I'll be and I'll take the warehouse," Brock said.

"Alright I suggest Wildcat and Basically go to the city while me and Delirious go to the pier," Evan said.

"Because you don't want to talk with me bitch," Tyler mumbled as he messed with the pencil.

"Alright meeting adjourned the first sign of trouble we will move so meet here at 8," Evan said and Tyler immediately got up and went after Craig.

"Why Evan," I said and he looks at me.

"I felt like this team joked around too much and it was time I acted like a real leader," he said and I frowned.

"Whatever you say Vanoss," I said and he flinched a bit.

"I need the night off," I said and he looks at me.

"Why you always get the night off," Evan said.

"I know but tonight I need it," I said and he sighs.

"Alright but what for," he asked and I smirked.

"I have a date," I said and left him to handle the bomb I just dropped.

Just a little preview on Craig and his backstory. Since his is coming up in two chapters ;). I love writing these backstories but I feel like you guys can go deeper and deeper on who each person they are. So look out for that in the future

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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