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Louis povesteste:

Harry conducea. Ma privea din cand in cand pe furis, dar eu il prindeam de fiecare data.
Am scos din rucsac un CD pe care scria " Hazza si Lou" si l-am pus .

A inceput o melodie frumoasa, imi amintesc atat de bine cand am compus-o. Harry nu stia de CD sau de melodii, insa cred ca este cel mai bun moment in care sa ascultam.

Make a little conversation
So long I've been waiting
To let go of myself and feel alive
So many nights I thought it over
Told myself I kind of liked him
But there was something missing in his eyes
I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho)
With an empty heart
But you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough?
Baby we could be enough
And it's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find the way
I'll be your light
You'll never feel like you're alone
I'll make this feel like home
So hot that I couldn't take it
Want to wake up and see your face
And remember how good it was being here last night
Still high with a little feeling
I see the smile as it starts to creep in
It was there, I saw it in your eyes
I was stumbling, looking in the dark (ohho)
With an empty heart
But you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough?
Baby we could be enough
And it's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find the way
I'll be your light
You'll never feel like you're alone
I'll make this feel like home
I'll make this feel like home
Baby we could be enough
It's alright
Calling out for somebody to hold tonight
When you're lost, I'll find the way
I'll be your light
You'll never feel like you're alone
I'll make this feel like home

Harry incepu sa planga.

-Tu ai compus asta? ma intreaba sughitand.
-Da. Iti place?
-Doamne Lou, e perfect. Multumesc.
-Pentru ce imi multumesti?
-Pentru tot.

Din întâmplare // L.SUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum