Chapter 6

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'You Make Me Wanna

Leave The One I'm With

And Start A New Relationship With You'



"So that's how we started a new chemical referring to test A." I said as Chris and I presented our project. I believe we did good.

"Thank you Ms. McDowell and Mr. Carter." Ms.Richards said as we took our seats next to each other.


I was walking down the hall and saw that people were laughing at me. I don't know why but they were finding me such a joke.

'Look at The ugly duckling.' This random girl said as she pushed me to the floor making my books and papers scatter to the ground.

I bent down to pick up my books. Suddenly, the bell rung and everyone started leaving and going to there classes. I felt someone walking up behind me and I turned around to see this boy.

He looked a little taller than me. He had on the newest gear and he was overall cute. Since I was in the 6th grade, I'm really not allowed to date. My parents said so.

"You alright?" He said helping me pick up my belongings and helping me up.

"Uhhh.. Yeah. Thanks." I said as I shuffled my papers inside my folder.

"Okay well what's you're name?" He said smiling at me. I really didn't have any friends except my best friend Deja. Apparently she wasn't at school today.

"----Myy---Name? Why do you want to know? It's not like you're gonna talk to me anyway." I said turning my head and holding back tears. I get bullied everyday,for what.I should've stayed in Florida with my dad. I hate Atlanta.

"Yeah I am. My names Prince but you can call me Chris. And you're name is---" He looked at my schedule and smiled."Destiny, it looks like you're in my lunch period." He said walking in front of me.

"Well. That doesn't mean I'm eating lunch with you. I don't even know you. I can't even be seen talking to you." I said reminding myself that he is one of those popular kids.

"Oh, Yes you are. Nice talking to you." He said handing me back my schedule and waking away. I walked I my class and made my way to my seat.

People laughed at me. I saw that girl that pushed me in the halls. "Keisha get out and go to the Ms.Booker's classroom." The teacher said an to my surprise the same girl stood up,rolled her eyes, and marched out the class.

Keisha,Keisha,Keisha,Keisha. That's her name........

[ P R E S E N T ]

I remember that day. That was my first week of school and I made a wonderful friend. I mean, Chris and I had our up and downs but still we worked on it.

Til' this day, we are still the bestest of friends. I didn't see him as a boyfriend and I can't even imagine us a couple. Even though we had a sexual inter course. I still can see him in that way. I mean I know he doesn't see me in that way.

It's crazy that we had sex this one time and we still don't claim each other as that way. I just know he doesn't wanna be with me that way. That's what I think. We've been friends for as long a I can remember. I love him to death and I'll ride with him Til the wheels fall off.

******After School******

I was now laying down in my bed until my phone lit up. I looked to see who it was and it was a text.


Hey, come by my house. It's important!

Me :

Aight. On the way.

I ended the convo and jumped out the bed. I grabbed my Juicy Couture sweatsuit with the matching jacket. I hopped in the shower and put on my clothes and headed to Nicki's.


"Has anyone seen Deja lately?" Nicki asked. Each of us shook our heads. I missed her. I've been calling,texting,going by her house. It's like she vanished.

"Well, we're gonna just go with the flow. So do anyone of y'all have any idea why you're all here?" She asked us. We all shook our head at the same time. Shit, I wanted to know why we here.

"Well, Dose have something to do with illegal stuff?" Mariah asked looking scared.

I swear this girl is so shy. Not around us but even if it was illegal, she wouldn't do it. I already know she a goody two shoes.

"Yes, but it's really not that illegal. I talked with Blade and he said that him and Prince

and the crew are going to finally meet up with CLor." She said smiling.

"So, what dose this have to do with us?" I asked. I wanna know.

"Well, I am was telling him that we--" She paused pointing to all of us including herself. "We, can come with. We can form a lil group and make money doing what we do best. Empravise." She said.

That kinda shocked me. I really don't deal with the drug dealing shit. I mean, I know that you can get killed trying but you'll be makin money.

Lord knows I need the money. I'll need time to think this through. I mean I need to move out my mom's by the end of senior year.

Should I

Should I Not??


Deja's P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since I've been raped. I just can't even explain how harsh and cruel it was. This man basically took my virginity.

I am 17 and living on my own. I have no kids and I'm in no sort of relationship with anyone.

I don't even wanna talk about what happened two weeks ago. It hurts me to even think that this man did this to me. I haven't felt that much physical pain in my life.

I was now at the doctors office getting a checkup. I needed to know if he either cause serious damage to my body and to my inner self .

"La'Deja Walters." The nurse said. I got up and walked with her to the back to a small doctor's office as I sat down on the patient table. "The doctor will be with you shortly." She said as she took her clipboard and walked away.

Within minutes this white woman came in wearing a doctor jacket. She was pretty. She looked like an older version of Jennifer Aniston.

"Hello, My name is Dr. Aniston. How are you today?" She asked shaking my hand. Lol,it's a trip that she looks like Jennifer Aniston and her last name is Aniston.

"Hi, I'm okay." I answered.

"Now, so what seems to be the problem?" She asked sitting on the stool.

"Well, I came for STD and if I'm pregnant." I said looking down.

"Okay,When was your last period?" She asked.

"Two weeks ago. I've been throwing up and I've been dizzy for a couple of days." I said playing with my fingers. I know she knows I'm nervous.

"Well, just pee in this cup in there," she said pointing to the bathroom door next to the window." And I'll be right back with you." She said walking out the door.

I did as she asked and waited for her to come back. I sat down wondering...

What If?

What If I Have A Serious Problem?

What If Something Happens?

Just, What If I Survive?





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