Chapter 15

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'So... Why won't you tell him how you feel?' I asked Destiny as we sat on my bed.

'I don't know. I mean I love him and all but it seems like every time I try my best, I expect the worst. I never been so confused in love before. Like, we just started back talking. Prince is stubborn, and I know I am as well. But, we just have that bond and connection that no one will ever break. Ya Know?'. She said as I gave her the Kleenex so she could dry her eyes.

'I know. With me and Blaze, we got a beautiful bond. We taking an adventure through each other. I never felt or loved any human being as much as I love his corny ass.'. I said as we shared a laugh.

'Girl, you got me crying and shit. You get on my nerves.'. She said cracking a smile.

'Well, enough with this Lovey Duby stuff. You planning on entering college after next semester ends?'. I asked her.

'I do. I have 5 colleges. Most of them are here in Georgia. What about you?'

'I'm proud of you. I got me a couple of scholarships as well.'. I said smiling as she smiled too.

She smiled at me. 'That's good. But now, a bitch hungry. Lets go to Papa Johns and order us some pizza.'. She said being so dramatic as she laid back and rubbed her stomach.

I laughed at her. 'Bitch, get up and stop acting so dramatic. Lets go.'. I said as I got up and out on some clothes and she did the same.



'Nigga,shut the fuck up for I shoot yo brains out!'. I yelled as I slapped the shit out of Toni.

This nigga stole from the crew. That's just like stealing from me. Nigga got me fucked up.

Toni was a nigga we got working the corners, turns out nigga had envy within us. I mean he talked shit and talked shit and talked shit. Until, last week the stupid nigga tried to break into one of our warehouses. Tracked his ass down and brought his ass to his last moments.

'Ima ask you one more time and this time you better come correct or that pretty little daughters of yours gonna grow up without a fucking dad.

Where Is The Fucking Money!!'. Wayne asked as she kicked him in the stomach as he laid the spitting up blood.

He slightly chuckled and spit up some more blood. ' Aye... tell yo bitch to get off my nuts.' He said as I pointed my gun at him and





I haven't talked or even seen my mother in 4 months.

I've been talking to my grandmother which is her mother. My grandma Sasha is my friend. We are very close.

When my dad left for the Military, she was there even when my own mom wasn't.

I remeber yesterday, I went to her house after no seeing her for the past months. She sat me down and talked to me.

'Baby, misery love company. When your mother was younger, before you were even thought of, she used to date this guy back in 11th grade. He was a nice looking guy, well mannered, and very cocky. One day, he cheated on your mother, and guess with who?' My grandmother told me.

I shrugged and asked who.

She chuckled. ' Honey, it was your aunt Sylvia. God rest her soul, but she was a little heifer at times. She knew it would hurt you mother but she did it anyway. So when Sylvia got pregnant, your mother was mad as hell. She was furious. From that point on, she saw her family, as basically dirt.'. My grandmother said.

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