Chapter 16

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Hope y'all had a great time over the holidays.

Welpp... Here Y'all Go




☆☆ladybug622: You had me rolling. Lol, That was the point of giving a little action. Yay.. I fooled you, but stay tuned for more. The Best Is Yet To Come!♥

4 Months Later


Well. It's been months and months.

It's the beginning of June and we all graduated. I got excepted to a few colleges here in Georgia and some in a few more states.

I finally made my mind up to go to Georgia Sate. I love the school. It's well organized and it's closer to my family.

Me and Chris? We still the best of friends. Don't worry, we still rolling with each other.

I love him no matter how mad or how stupid he acts as long as life continues.

He's my first everything. My first love, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first sexual partner. Everything.

Speaking of us, as of today we were heading down to his moms house before we go our separate ways to college. He gotta a move on to South Carolina for college.

Ima miss the fuck outta him, but he have a life just like I do.

Wow.. it seems like we in a relationship or something. Well.... y'all can get that out y'all head.

'Hey Baby--.'. Mama K hugged Chris.

'Hey my other baby.'. She said hugging me as kissed my cheek.

'Hey Mama K. Mhmmm. What you cooking up in here?'. I asked smelling the aroma coming from the kitchen.

'Nothing but some barbecue pork chops , macaroni and cheese, collards, field peas, cornbread, and some Yams.'. I licked my lips from all of the food she was naming.

'Where my little man at?' Chris asked. As soon as he said that, Isaiah little self came running from the living room an into his father's arms.

'I mwissed you pa.'. He said hugging him so tight.

'I missed you too lil man.'. Chris said hugging him also.

'It looks like you forgot all about me. Huh?' I said reaching out for Isaiah.

'Noooo. I missed you the mwost.' He said coming to me and kissing my cheek.

Isaiah and I clicked from the start. This my lil shoota. But, I love him like he was my own.

'Thats messed up bruh.'. Chris said holding his chest as if Isaiah hurt him.

Isaiah laughed. ' Nothing wong with you pa.'. He said as I put him down. Him and his dad went to the backyard to play basketball.

I walked into the kitchen where Mama K was.

She was now taking the barbecue chicken out of the oven. She looked at me and smiled as she took off her apron.

'How have you been Destiny.' She asked me as we both sat down at the tabled in the kitchen.

'I've been holding up okay. How you been?' I said looking at her looking at me.

' When are you and my baby Chris going to get married and give me some more grandbabies?' That shocked the hell out of me.

I slightly chuckled at her shocking question.

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