Chapter 12

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**Destiny In Cover**


I jumped out of my bed and marched downstairs and saw that Deja was sitting on the couch watching tv.

For what she's been through, she looks good right about now.

She looks like she is A1. I see my best friend again.

'Goodmorning. I cooked some breakfast.' She said getting up. She looked clean as can be. She was wearing a purple sweater and some blue jeans and some house shoes.

'Morning. Glad to see you're okay. Are you going to school today...?' I asked her as she walking into the kitchen.

She looked at me for a second before fixing a plate of food.

'Not for a while. Probably after the holiday break. My doctor said I have to take a break for a while but I'll be back on my feet in no time.' She said as she sat a plate in front of me.

I grabbed the fork and immediately dug in.

'You got some skills with this food girl.' I said making her laugh.

'Learned from the best.' She said smiling. Honestly, I was happy to see her up and about.

(8:36 AM)

I was now driving to school in my rental car I purchased a week ago.

My phone rang as I turned the corner to the gas station.

I grabbed my phone and answered without looking and seeing who called anyway.

'Hello.' I said walking into the gas station pulling out a twenty.

'Good morning familia(family). How are you?' Ria spoke into the phone.

I giggled. 'Morning. I hate Mondays.' I said giving the Indian looking man behind the window, the twenty and holding up the number 5 indicating pump #5.

'Who dose? Anyway, did you do Mr. Rogers homework over the weekend?' She said as I walked out the store and to my car to pump my gas.

'Yeah. I think so. Did you?' I said waiting for the gas to be pumped into the gas tank.

'Yeah. It wasn't that bad. How's Deja doing?' She asked.

Honestly, all of us love Deja like our own. I know Destiny was hurt the most of what happened months earlier.

Deja is one of those girls that stands up for what she believes in. Shit, she speaks her mind even if its painful.

Damn. I miss the old times.

'Actually, she's improved great. This morning she cooked breakfast, and she looked happy and she glowed. She was smiling for once.' I said smiling also as I got in my car and sped off into the busy traffic.

'Thats good. Well, I'll see you later today then. Bye Chica.' Ria said as we shared a laugh.

'See ya.' I said as I drove towards my school.

I miss my sister. I love the old her. The one that loves to laugh and joke around but she's serious and busy all the time.


The day was going fast and I'm surprised it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

As I walked to my locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see a sexy ass boy in front of me. Damn was he FUINEE!

He was a Caucasian dude. He favored that man Liam who broke up with Miley Cyrus. He had blue eyes and his face oh lord! He didn't look stuck up. He dressed like a black dude Swagg is a 10.

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