Fun Author's Note

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"When they don't point out her typos," I tell Alex, who is paying close attention and taking notes on what I say, "Caesium is forced to assume her readers secretly hate her."

"They probably do," he nods. "I'm a terrible person for telling Scott we cheated on him, but they're even worse for letting her post stupid things like 'done' instead of 'don't' and 'Im' without an apostrophe. She even forgot the quotes at the start of your dialogue, and they didn't tell her."

"They probably want her to die of shame when she finds out they all read it and didn't say anything."

"Their terrible."

"They really are" i answer sadly

"How does she bare it?"

"Its beyond belief."

"Why does everyone gate her so much?" he asked.

"Becuase she rights sad story's. Also, I think you meant 'hate.'"

"Thanks for painting out my mistake, your a good friend. How should readers' pointe out Caesiums mistakes?"

"They should high light the mistake and reply with an *asterisk and the correction, like they can see in the comments on this paragraph, or even just an asterisk. That's what they would do if they loved her like I still love Scott."

"But what if their on desktop, not mobile?"

"They can post a comment at the end Sometimes she doesn't proofread enough because she is to exited to post chapters but she will award people who catch mistakes."

"You mean reward?"

"I see now that you truly care about me because you tell me when I make mistakes, just like you made a mistake when you liEd to Scott. I love you and I'm going to write you an exclusive one-shot."

"I love you to, Mitch."

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