29 | Insufficient

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Pronunciation: How a word is spoken (potato vs po-tah-toe)
Enunciation: How clearly a word is spoken ("My mom was burnin' in a wildfire" -Scott Hoying, Natural Disaster)
Annunciation: Announcement ("Hear ye, hear ye, read chapter 28 before chapter 29.")

Do you know why I update so frequently? It's because I need comments to survive.


He picked up. He actually picked up the phone. Now what do I do? I just assumed he would be like Scott. I assumed he wouldn't talk to me. "H-hi."

"How are you holding up?" he asks. He doesn't sound so great himself.

Not well. "Thanks for the ice cream."

"Least I could do."

"Y-you left me." I'm a mess. You'd think that as a singer, I'd be able to control my voice better. I hear a shaky breath, but Alex says nothing. "Come back."

"I... no. I'm sorry."

"You love me."

"More than you know."

"And I love you." Again, he's silent. It kills me, but he doesn't owe me an explanation. He didn't even have to answer my call. I can't make him stay. He has every right to terminate the relationship I put so much into. He's not doing it to be cruel, though. He's just afraid, and he's trying to do the best he can. "You don't have to tell me. It's, um, it's hard for you, isn't it?"


"I'm sorry."

"No. No, it's not your fault babe, I promise. I mean, Mitch. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry you're sad. I'm sorry I wasn't right for you."

"You were perfect. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then there's something I didn't do right. Help me, please. I'm not hopeless. I can change." People always say that, though. "I can prove it, and then you can come back."

"I don't want you to change."

"I would be happy to, though." He wouldn't want the kind of changes other people have tried to push on me. He wants what's best for me.

"You shouldn't do that for me."

"I'll do it for myself, then. I want to be better. Please."

"There's nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all."

"But there's room for improvement."

"It's not like that."

"Come back" I feel pathetic. "I love you." Maybe I set my hopes too high. I can't have it all. No one can. I was willing to give things up, though. Maybe I was too late. "Whatever it is, it's not more important than we are." I'm choosing my words carefully. I don't want to tell him it's not important or it's okay. He wouldn't have left if that were true. "You can tell me." I told him he didn't have to, and now I'm pressuring him about it, when all he's doing is trying to spare my feelings. I'm going to regret everything I'm saying.

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